The Wedding

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*A/N* Hey guys! Here is a big chapter! This is the 'last' chapter. I hope you enjoy a big moment in these characters' life just as much as I enjoyed writing it. 

I sat in front of the mirror smiling. I smoothed the skirt of my wedding gown down. The dress was white with white flowers that crawled along the hem. For extra effect, I had them sew in some small lips, that, if you weren't looking for them you wouldn't see. I definitely couldn't forget the kissing booth on my big day. June had just left, going to get my veil. It was my big day! The day had finally arrived. I smiled at my growing stomach, I was glad that my baby was going to have an amazing life. The door behind me creaked open and I turned to face my new guest. A blonde girl wearing a short, pale, pink dress slipped in. 

"Can I at least get a hug?" The blonde smiled, holding her arms out. 

"Skye," I said and I hugged her. Skye had been staying at Maddy's since the trial. I hadn't seen or heard from her since then. "You came," I smiled. Part of me hadn't been expecting to see her. 

"Of course!" Skye exclaimed. "I wouldn't miss my own mother's wedding. Even if we aren't on the best terms." Skye's voice dropped when she said the last sentence. 

"I'm glad you came," I smiled. 

"Did you think I wouldn't?" Skye asked surprised. 

"Kind of," I admitted. Skye chuckled and shook her head. 

"Mom, I'm not gonna miss the biggest day of your life." Skye held my hands in hers. "This is your big day, everything you ever wanted is happening." She smiled. I nodded, a smile dancing on my lips. 

"Thank you for coming," I thanked her. Skye shook her head with a smile.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." Skye smiled. I pulled Skye into a hug and whispered into her ear. 

"I love you, I hope I see you standing at the front with your brother and Noah," I said. 

"Of course," Skye whispered. 

"Skye?" June said as she walked in with my veil. "When did you arrive?" 

"A few minutes ago," Skye said. "I wasn't going to miss my mother's wedding, which may I add, I helped plan." She bragged. June chuckled. 

"Ok missy, let's get your mother to the venue," June said and Skye nodded. 

"How did you know we were here?" I asked as Skye helped me out of my house. 

"Well, a little birdy may have told me to come and help," Skye admitted. "I was going to come anyway but I was going to stay hidden." She continued. 

"Well, whoever that birdy was or is, I will have to thank them." I smiled. Skye nodded and helped me into the waiting limo. Since the wedding was at the park we had decided that I would get ready at my house and then ride over to the venue. 

"Skye?" Lucas said surprised when the driver rolled down the window that shielded the driver from the rest of the car. Lucas was sitting upfront with the driver.

"In the flesh," Skye replied. Lucas nodded. 

"If you try anything-" 

"I'm not gonna ruin her wedding, I'm not evil," Skye said annoyed. Lucas looked at her suspiciously. 

"We need to talk," he said. 

"You're breaking up with me already?" Skye said feigning surprise. Lucas rolled his eyes. 

"We're here Ms. Evans," the driver said. Skye started helping me out. 

"Skye," Lucas crossed his arms looking angry. 

"I've got this darling," June said gesturing Skye to Lucas. June and I made a mad dash for a tent, we closed the flap and put the veil on. 


Fifteen minutes later, Here Comes the Bride could be heard throughout the park. I took a deep breath and walked down the aisle. Skye stood next to the place where I would stand, she was sticking her tongue out at some unknown audience member. Lucas was standing next to Skye. He jabbed Skye in the side so she'd focus. Lee stood on the other side of the altar. He had a massive smile painted across his face. I looked in the center, where a very handsome man stood. 

Noah was standing in the center in a black tuxedo. There was a big goofy smile painted across his lips. Man, I loved him. 

I walked to the altar and took my place across from Noah. I smiled at him and saw that there were tears in his eyes. I grabbed his hands and barely heard the priest as he rambled his way through the ceremony. 

Being Elle Evans and Noah Flynn, we didn't write our vows. By the time it occurred to us, which for Noah was twenty minutes ago, it was too late. Would I have liked to write our own vows? Sure, who wouldn't? But the old vows were used for a reason, so they must be good. Suddenly I felt eyes on me. I looked at the priest and realized I needed to say those important two words. 

"I do," I smiled. Noah looked at me with his signature smirk.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife." The priest said and Noah pulled me in for a kiss. 

I smiled to myself as we walked down the aisle. I had my family, which at times was tough but I could tell things were getting better. I had the love of my life, Noah, and a baby on the way. It's crazy to think that all of this started because of a kissing booth. 

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