School Meeting

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*Author's note* Hey y'all, it's snowing and I'm too lazy to get dressed so I can go out and sled. Hence I'm just gonna upload a new chapter. Where's my lazy squad? This colter is dedicated to @Teja_writes, I finally talked her into joining. Ok now let's get into this!

"Hello is this Mrs. Evans?" A voice over the phone said.

"Yes?" I gulped.

"This is Mrs. Simmons, the principal's secretary. Well your son, Lucas, and his friend were caught vandalizing some lockers during second period. Please come by the school, thank you." The lady hung up the phone.

"Ok?" I hung up the phone and walked to Louisa. "Louisa, Lucas got in trouble. I have to go to his school."

"Oh ok, have fun!" Louisa called as I ran out.


"What did you do Lucas?" I asked as I walked into the principal's office. Lucas and another boy were sitting next to the principal, neither of them seemed very upset.

"Ms. Evans please sit down." The principals sighed.

"Nolan Flynn," a familiar voice said, "what did you do now?" Noah stood at the door. If I hadn't known Noah I would have thought he was upset, but knowing him I knew he wasn't upset, he was proud. With Noah here that meant the other boy was Nolan, I should have guess it earlier. Nolan looked exactly like his father, he had his father's mannerisms, outfit choice, and choice of pastimes. "Oh hi Elle," Noah said when he saw me. This was gonna be an odd meeting.

"As you know you have been called here because these boys were caught vandalizing school lockers." Nolan whispered something to Lucas and Lucas snickered. The boys were obviously checked out. "Boys quit it." The principal, who's name I still didn't know, groaned. "You are being expelled." She stated. I stared at her, she hadn't told us what was going on, she hadn't let the boy explain, and she hadn't even acknowledged that we were there.

"Thank you for that." I stood up. "But I'm afraid I'm pulling my children from your school."

"So am I," Noah stood up also.

"Finally," Nolan and Lucas said together.

"Fine, no need to come tomorrow I'll pull them out myself. I'll be glad to see the school ridded of scum balls like yours." The principal said. My mouth fell open, who is this lady?

"Let's just go," Lucas said. I turned on my heel and walked out of the office.

"Who was that?" I asked as we walked out.

"Principal Monticello," Nolan piped in.

"Like the house," a voice said.

"Pigtails!" Nolan exclaimed.

"It's Skye actually," Skye walked over to us. "Don't try if you're going to get it wrong. Anyway, what happened?"

"We got in trouble," Lucas said.

"Obviously," Skye replied.

"We were vandalizing some lockers," Nolan said.

"Obviously!" Skye held up her locker's lock. It was covered in spray paint.

"Oops, sorry Skye." Lucas hung his head.

"Skye do you have everything?" I piped in. It was cute seeing the kids interact but it was their last day here.

"Yup," she smiled. "Not gonna miss this place. Where are we attending now?" Skye asked. I stared at her, I was surprised she knew we were leaving.

"My old school," Noah piped in.

"Wait, it's still open?" I asked surprised. 

"Yup, they changed the name though."

"I'm a little scared to look at the price tag."

"Ah come on Shelly," Noah chuckled.

"Wait this is Elle Evans?" Nolan said surprised.

"Yup, nice to meet you young man." I smiled.

"Well I guess she's kinda hot," Nolan said.

"Dude that's my mom!" Lucas exclaimed. Skye started laughing.

"Oh yeah right," Nolan said.

"Player," Lucas said.

"How about ice cream?" Noah butted in.

"Yes!" Nolan and Lucas said together.

"Elle!" A car pulled up next to us.

"Lee," Noah said. Lee's mouth fell open.

"Wanna get ice cream with us?" I asked.

"Uh sure?" Lee said surprised.

"I can go with Grayson," Skye said. She didn't wait for answer, she just jumped into the car.

"Ok, see you there." Lee nodded. There was only one ice cream shop we ever attended so there was no need to ask where we were going.

"Off we go," Nolan smirked.

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