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*A/N* Hey y'all. As you can see I haven't been as active. I just wanted to say that no I'm not giving up on the book, I'm just swamped with school so I don't have a lot of time to write. 

*Skye's POV*

I knocked on the door and Maddy quickly opened it. 

"Skye are you ok?" She asked quickly. Maddy's chestnut hair was falling around her eyes. Maddy had a black crop top on and she had short jean shorts on as well. 

"No, my mom and I-" I started. "We got in a fight," I sighed. I bit my lip but my eyes still filled with tears. 

"Skye," Maddy said and she brought me into the house. "Let's go to my room." Maddy led me upstairs where we flopped onto the bed. "So tell me what happened," Maddy said softly. 

"M-my mom and I got in a fight," I started. "I got mad and I just ran." I cried. I curled into a ball. "Am I immature?" I asked. 

"No, no, no!" Maddy said. "You are more than mature," she added. I stared at her sadly. "What happened exactly?" Maddy asked softly. 

"Well," I started. "My mom is a workaholic so she's often working. Growing up, she was never around. She was always working so we grew up without her. Our grandpa lived with us and he helped Mom for a bit but he moved out a few years ago. I started hanging out with Grayson when I was about ten because I was tired of being alone." I paused. "The fight happened because Mom has always promised that she will come to me and Lucas's events but she never shows up. I made Mom promise that she would watch one movie with me. But," I paused. "She couldn't even do that so I got mad and took her phone. On which," I paused again. "There were messages between my dad and another woman. I got mad that my mom had been breaking her promise and looking at messages about my dad cheating on her, so I yelled at her and left. I knew you didn't know anything about my family life so you wouldn't have any prejudices so I called you." 

"I see," Maddy said quietly. "I'm sorry," she hugged me. I smiled as I hugged her and I smiled weakly. "Friends?" She asked. 

"Best," I said. We shook our pinkies and it was sealed. 

"Skye don't cry," Maddy said. I hadn't realized I was crying. "Do you want to call Lucas?" She asked. I nodded and grabbed my phone. 

"Skye?" Lucas said as he answered the phone.

"L-lucas," I stuttered. I sounded really bad. 

"Where are you?" He asked worriedly. 

"I'm at Maddy's, she's going to Harvard too." I explained. 

"Do you want me to come?" He asked nervously.

"Y-yeah," I whimpered. I mentally kicked myself for sounding so needy.

"Text me the address," Lucas said.

"O-ok," I said.

"Hey Skye," Lucas said, "I love you." 

"I love you too," I said before hanging up. I pulled the address up and quickly sent it to Lucas. I walked back into Maddy's room and flopped on the bed. 

"Is he coming?" Maddy asked. 

"He's on his way," I said as I stared at the ceiling. What was I going to do? 

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