Telling Noah

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*Author's note* Guys (and gals), we did it! We reach 500 reads! Life goal accomplished, lol. Thank you so much for reading this story and supporting it. Special chapter! I love you all so this is dedicated to everyone! Enjoy!

"Noah!" I smiled when I saw my favorite person in the world. 

"Elle," Noah came over and hugged me. 

"Hi Mr. Flynn," Lucas said. 

"Lucas," Nolan came walking up behind his dad.

"Dude," Lucas said. 

"Why's the paparazzi here?" Nolan said looking around.

"Oh my dad came," Lucas said.

"What?" Noah said.

"Cool," Nolan said.

"Lucas here's some money, stay around here and call me if you need anything." I handed Lucas a hundred bucks. 

"Awesome, bye Mom, my Mr. Flynn," the boys ran towards Chipotle.

Shocker, I thought. "Ok let's grab something to eat and we can talk." I said, Noah nodded and followed. We walked into the restaurant that Skye and Mike were in, they were in the back laughing. 

"Here you are," the waitress said. 

We sat down and looked at the menu, once we had ordered Noah opened with a question. 

"Why is your ex back?" 

"Well, he wants custody of the kids." I said.

"Shared custody?" He asked. 

"Hopefully," I said. 

"Whoah, ok, so is he trying to get them to warm up to him?" Noah asked. 

"I guess," I shrugged. "Skye seemed really happy, she's wanted a father for years. But I think Lucas is so used to not having a father that he doesn't want one." 

"I see, maybe it's the person. Nolan didn't like the idea of me dating but he like you so he doesn't mind it anymore. I think you need to give him time or maybe he has bad memories of his dad so he doesn't want to go back."

"Maybe, you know you aren't as stupid as I thought." I laughed.

"Rude," Noah pretended to stab his heart. I threw my head back and laughed. "So how bad do you think the battle is going to be?" Noah's voice dropped.

Way to ruin the mood, "I'm not sure, he's rich so he's going to get the best lawyer around. It's going to be tough." I sighed. 

"Hey, we'll get through it." Noah grabbed my hand and squeezed it. 

"You're right." I smiled. We finished eating and went outside. "I see the boys aren't back yet," I sighed.

"How about we go for a walk?" Noah smiled. I nodded. We walked to the park. This was the park with the infamous gazebo, it was where Noah had seen my kissing Levi, and this park held many more memories. "Elle," Noah said. I turned to him and I lost my breath. Noah was on one knee. "Elle I have known you my whole life. I lost you once and I won't do it again, please say you'll marry me."

"Noah," I lost my breath. "Yes, yes of course!" I hugged Noah and he pulled me in for a kiss. This was not how I had imagined my day going. 

"Mom?" Skye said. Mike was by her side. "You're engaged!" She squealed and gave us a hug. 

"They're engaged?" Nolan said as he and Lucas arrived at the park. 

"Awesome!" Lucas hugged us. We were one big family. 

*Noah's POV* 

"I'm not sure, he's rich so he's going to get the best lawyer around. It's going to be tough." Elle sighed. Her eyes were sad and they way her shoulders hunched told me that she was worried. I had known Elle since I was one, I knew how Elle worked. 

"Hey. we'll get through it." I grabbed her hand and squeezed it. A million thoughts were flying through my head. 

"You're right," she smiled. We finished eating and went outside, the boys were no where to be seen. "I see the boys aren't back yet," she sighed. 

"How about we go for a walk?" I asked with a nervous smile. Hopefully she wouldn't pick up on it. We walked to the park that held many of our memories and I knew it was time. "Elle," I got down on one knee. She turned to look at me and I could tell she had lost her breath, in a good way, hopefully. "Elle I have known you my whole life. I lost you once and I won't do it again, please say you'll marry me." I said. 

"Noah," she paused.

Oh no! Is she gonna say no? Is the ring too much?  

"Yes, yes of course!" Elle hugged me and I pulled her in for a kiss. 

"Mom?" Skye said. Mike was by her side. "You're engaged!" She squealed and gave us a hug.

"They're engaged?" Nolan said as he and Lucas arrived at the park.

"Awesome!" Lucas hugged us. We were going to be one big family.

*Skye's POV* 

"Yes, yes of course!" I walked around the bend with Dad and I saw Mom and Mr. Flynn kissing. 

"Mom?" I asked. Then I saw the ring on her finger. "You're engaged!" My heart was full to the bursting. Mom was happy and I had reconnected with Dad, everything was perfect. 

*Lucas's POV*

"You're engaged!" Skye squealed. Me and Nolan walked around the bend to see Skye hugging Mom and Mr. Flynn. Something on Mom's hand sparkled, a ring! An engagement ring!

"They're engaged?" Nolan said in disbelief

"Awesome!" I ran over and hugged them. Mom was happy so everything was great.

*Nolan's POV* 

"You're engaged!" I heard Skye squeal.

Classic Skye, I rolled my eyes. I walked around the bend and my jaw dropped when I saw Elle's ring. "They're engaged?" 

"Awesome!" Lucas hugged Dad, Ms. Evans, and Skye. I stared at them  Did I know her? No, but I miss her anyway. We had one of those connections that even though you never see each other you still love each other. I knew this was going to be a hard adjustment but everything would work out, right? 

*Author's note* Told ya it was gonna be big 😁

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