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*A/N* Hey y'all here is new chapter for y'all. I just want to say you guys are the best readers. I was reading the comments (yes I do that) and I just got so happy. Thank you guys so much for being so amazing. I just realized that's it probably rude that I don't respond to comments, I'm just not the best with words. Anyway this is dedicated to KRusso15 and babybluebooboo. Why two people? because I can. Anyway enjoy. 

I ran around the house looking for the kids. The house was quiet and I was confused. I had just gotten back from looking at the house with Noah. "Kids?" I called. "Skye!" I ran upstairs. "Lucas!" I ran downstairs. They were most definitely not in the house. I ran outside and was greeted by a shout. 

"Surprise!" People jumped out of the bushes and from behind the house. "Happy birthday!" They exclaimed. 

Wait it's my birthday?  I thought. "Thanks guys!" I smiled. Lucas and Skye gave me a big hug. They were laughing. 

"Do you like it?" Lucas asked. 

"You don't ask that Lucas," Skye swatted him. I laughed. 

"I love it," I smiled. Skye beamed and Lucas looked proud. "Did you put this together by yourselves?" I asked. 

"Skye did most of it," Lucas said. "I just set things up, with her ordering me around." He added. 

"I'm guessing you were the distraction squad," I said as Noah came over.

"Guilty as charged," Noah laughed. 

"Wait," I turned to the kids. "Did you guys actually get into those programs or were they distractions?" I asked. Skye started laughing. 

"They were real, we wouldn't make things like that up." She said. 

"Speaking of that, Skye we are going to have to talk about how we are going to work you being hundreds of miles away." Noah said. 

"Later," Skye nodded. "Let's let Mom enjoy they party." Skye said to Lucas. They walked off to join some family members. Noah and I went to talk to June and Dad. 

"Did you guys know about this?" I asked. 

"Well, I knew about it after I got the invite." June said. 

"Dad?" I asked. 

"Same as June," Dad said. "The kids planned this entirely by themselves." Dad smiled. 

"Good for them," June said. "You know I wish Nolan and Grayson would through me a party sometime." June said. 

"Isn't that Noah and Lee's job?" I asked. 

"Yes, yes, but they are too busy." She sighed. 

"I got it, I'll make sure to have Skye plan you a party." I laughed. 

"I would love that," June said. I made a mental note to tell Skye to plan June a party. 

"Elle!" Lee walked over and hugged me.

"Happy birthday buddy!" I said. 

"Nah, today's about you." He said. 

"Lee," I laughed. 

"Elle," he said laughingly. 

"Come on Lee, let's go celebrate." I said, with my best puppy dog eyes. 

"Who wants cake!" Skye called. "I have a cake for Lee and a cake from my mom!" She brought out to cakes. 

"This girl thought of everything," Lee mumbled under his breath.

"Come on Lee," I dragged him to the front. 

"To honor your first birthday's back together we decided to throw a party. Please light the candles," Skye said and they sang happy birthday. As we turned to blow out the candles I felt my head being pushed into the cake. I heard laughter and there was cake everywhere. 

"Who ruined the cake!" Lee yelled. "This is war!" He exclaimed and started throwing cake at the kids.

"Run!" Dad yelled and everyone began to grab cake. 


Fifteen minutes later everyone was covered in cake and the yard was a mess. Everyone was laying on the ground, out of breath.

"I think this has been the best birthday ever," I laughed.

"I agree," Lee laughed with me. 

I stared up into the sky and tried to imagine more birthdays like this. Birthdays where we are all together and having fun. I tried to imagine my perfect day. 

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