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*Author's note* Hey y'all no comments yet so no dedication.  

I sat at my desk and was rummaging around to get my next client's papers. I had won the case for Noah and I had become very popular. My days were always booked and I was making more money than I thought I could. I might be able to buy the firm, emphasis on might. 

"Hello?" I looked up from my desk.

"Hello," I stood up and walked over to the man who had just entered my office. The man appeared to be in his fifties and his hair was starting to go gray. He wore a fancy suit and he carried himself in a way that said 'I am better than you,'. 

"Edward Stone," the man said. He stuck his hand out.

"Elle Evans," I shook his hand with a smile. "Please, sit down," I gestured to a chair. 

"Yes thank you," Mr. Stone sat down slowly. 

"How may I help you?" I asked. 

"Well you see, I know a man who wants to be able to see his children." Mr. Stone nodded. 

"I see, please tell me more." I began to flip through my notes looking for some information on Mr. Stone. 

"Well he hasn't seen them in years because his significant other was given custody of them." Mr. Stone nodded.

"Well I'm afraid I can't help if his other was given custody of them," I replied.

"Let me rephrase," he paused. "my friend was told he couldn't see his children until he proved he was no longer a drunk, drug addict, which my friend is no longer. My friend has gotten help and now is all clear to see his children."

"I see, maybe I can be of some assistance," my notes had not prepared me for this. This was a very interesting case, I was going to have a hard time with it. 

 "Thank you ma'am," Mr. Stone replied.

"What is the man's profession and name?" 

"He is a successful celebrity and his name is Mike Hanson." he said. Wait, Mike Hanson the actor? "You know him very well Ms. Evans, you knew him as Mike Matthews." 

"No, it can't be!" I exclaimed. 

"Oh yes it can and you can't keep my client's children away forever. He has changed and now is rich enough to take care of the children. He demand you let him see the children otherwise it will be a long gruesome process."

"Never!" I shouted.

"Very well Ms. Evans, my client and I will be seeing you on the court floor."

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