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"Skye, come on, the bus will be here soon!" Lucas called. Lucas was now fifteen and well he was very sassy. He looked like a mirror image of me, except he had abs and well he was a boy.

"Lucas cut her some slack, it's her first day of high school," I told him. I was so proud, it had been nine years since we arrived and those years have brought us so much joy. The kids were thriving in school and I was now a senior partner in Marco's law firm. I had established friendships with many of my high school friends, and I had made many new friends.

"Coming!" Skye ran down the stairs. She had turned into a beautiful young lady. Her blonde hair was tied back in a bun and her blue eyes sparkled with fear but also pride. She looked exactly like her dad on my wedding day, I shook my head, those thoughts needed to be put away. Both of my kids looked exactly the parent of the opposite gender. It was funny how things turned out, not that I minded. 

"Guys, let's go," I smiled at them. They stared at me, "I'm driving!" I said.

"Shocker," Lucas rolled his eyes and looked at his phone. I always drove them to school for the first day, Lucas was just hoping I forgot. 

"Shut up," Skye glared at him. 

"Ugh, let's just go," Lucas walked out the door. 

"I hate him," Skye groaned mockingly and she walked out. 

"Kids," I rolled my eyes and walked out to the car. "Ready?"



We drove to the school and Lucas jumped out and ran over to his buddies. Skye's face was pale and I thought she might through up. She sighed and slowly crawled out of the car. 

Knock, knock. 

Who? Why? I turned and rolled my window down. "How can I help you?" I asked the man. 

"Elle!" The man said.

"Do I know you?" 

"Elle it's me, Lee Flynn!" The man exclaimed. I stared at him and suddenly everything came flooding back.

"Lee!" I got out of the car and hugged him. He looked like his old self except with a bit of a pot belly, but don't tell him I said anything. 

"Mom I forgot my water bot- oh hi Mr. Flynn." Skye said. She waved to Lee and grabbed her water. "Oh me and Grayson are gonna hang out after school so don't wait for us." Skye waved and ran back towards the school. 

"How does she know you?" I asked.

"Oh she and my son Grayson are tight, I'm surprised you didn't know." Lee replied.

"Oh, I see." 

"Mhm, how about we go get coffee sometime?" 

"I can do now," I smiled.


"Let me just call Marco and tell him I'm gonna be late." I turned back to the car.

"You and Marco are married?" Lee asked nervously. 

"No," I laughed. "We are partners, we're both lawyers." 

"Oh," Lee said. "That makes a lot of sense, oh and Shelly."

"Yeah?" I turned back to him.

"I forgive you, for everything." 

"Oh, thanks, and I forgive you for introducing me to Noah." I hugged him again.

"Rude," time seemed to reverse. Suddenly me and Lee were young again. We spent the time talking and I was happy. Lee had married Racheal, that had a son Grayson, who is Skye's age and like their parents, are best friends. Lee is an engineer and Racheal is a real estate agent. Lee never brought up Noah and honestly, I didn't want him to.

"I've got to go," Lee stood up slowly. 

"Yeah same, I love you." I said hopefully.

"I love you to Shelly," Lee hugged me. "How about we bring back Sunday brunch?"

"I'm down, see you then." I handed Lee my number and walked out. When we parted I felt like I was flying we had finally made up. I hadn't been that happy in years. 

The Kissing Booth: FutureNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ