Movie Night

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*Author's note* Hey guys, please excuse my crazy upload schedule, school is all over the place. This is dedicated to two people (I couldn't decide which one to cut out,) @Tsklareski and @PavliKuku. Enjoy. 

"Hey Mom," Skye walked through the front door. I had just woken up from my long needed nap and I was sitting watching tv. "Wait," she stopped in her tracks. "Why are you home? It's only three-thirty?" 

"Oh I wasn't feeling great so I came back early." I smiled.

"On a Friday? You usually work really late on Fridays." She stated. 

"No I don't!" I said. "Where is Lucas?" I peaked around her. 

"He's at lacrosse practice with Nolan. Mr. Flynn brings him here at five." Skye grabbed a binder from her back pack and walked upstairs to do homework. I grabbed my phone and called Noah. I needed a night with just him and the kids, family bonding. 

"Hey," Noah said when he picked up. "How's work?" 

"I got sent home," I stated. 

"Whoah, whoah, whoah, hold your horses. You got sent home? Why did Marco do that?" He said surprised. 

"Well I haven't been sleeping well and Marco told me to not come back to work till I have rested." I sighed. 

"Why are you so tired?" He asked. 

"I don't know, I guess I'm stressed about the case." I sighed.

"Ok," Noah said. 

"Well anyway, I called because I wanted to know if you and Nolan wanted to come over for a movie later." 

"We'd love to," Noah laughed. We'll be over in a few minutes. Bye." Noah hung the phone up and I threw a glance at the clock. It was five o'clock so I had a few minutes to get ready. 

"Skye! We're doing a movie night!" I called up the stairs. 

"You're lucky I didn't have much homework." Skye appeared at the top of the stairs. "What theme do you want?" She walked down the stairs.

"Uh bonding?" I replied. 

"Give me ten minutes and lots of blankets," Skye ran off. "Mom we're out of popcorn!" Skye called. "I'll make a list and then we can have it delivered." She said. 

"Ok!" Wow I'm really glad for Skye. "Oof," I groaned and sat down. 

"Here's the list, I'm guessing we want pizza so I added that. Oh you ok?" Skye walked over to me.

"Just having some cramps," I groaned. 

"Oh?" Skye put her hand to my forehead. "Whoah your heart beat if off the charts! Are you okay?"

"I'm better now," I stood up.

"Ok," Skye sighed. "Anyway here," she laughed. 

"We're here!" Lucas exclaimed as he burst through the front door. 

"Hey," Skye said without looking up from her computer. I hadn't realized she had sat down. 

"Hey guys," I smiled. 

"What's for supper!" Nolan exclaimed as ran through the front door. 

"Sh, the babies sleeping." Skye said from her computer.

"Uh what?" We all turned to look at her. 

"Nothing," Skye closed her computer. "Anyway, boys the showers are upstairs-"

"Ah pigtails you don't like our manly scent?" Nolan teased. 

"As much as I hate to disappoint, yes I hate it. You smell terrible. Now move!" She said and the boys scurried upstairs. 

"Look who has them wrapped around her little finger," Noah laughed. 

"Eh, it's just a gift." Skye laughed and went back onto her computer.


Thirty minutes later we were finally settled with a movie on, Skye had outdone herself with getting the couch ready. There were blankets littered all over the couch and there were movie signs set up all over. It was perfect, we flipped the lights and the movie started. 


"Ahh!" We screamed. We were watching Tremors, Noah's pick, and the worms were scary. 

"This is great!" Skye was cracking up. "Giant worms that eat people, a masterpiece." She and Noah thought this movie was hilarious, while the boys and I thought it was terrifying. 

"Ah!" We screamed. This time I buried my head in Noah's chest. I heard him chuckle and he put his arm around me.

"It's ok Shelly," Noah whispered into my ear. He was smiling his signature, sexy smirk. 

Stupid sexy, Noah Flynn, I chuckled. This was perfect, we were all together, bonding. The boys were clinging onto each other for dear life, Skye was taking a video of them, wait. Why is she taking a video?  I looked at and she smiled back. Her smile said 'I want blackmail don't bother me'. I chuckled and looked around the room once more. I think we are going to be a good family. 

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