Be Nice

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*Author's note* No comments yet, so this is dedicated to @BeatrizPires215 for being the first voter. Now let me get lost, enjoy. 

"Ok guys, me and Noah are going out." I smiled. It was our fifth date and we had decided to leave the kids all together so they could get to know each other. 

"Be nice," Noah stated. Nolan laughed, Skye stifled a giggle, and Lucas stared at me blankly. 

"Bye Mom," Skye pushed me out the door. 

"Bye," Skye closed the door behind me.

Skye's POV 

"Bye," Mom said as I closed the door. We were quiet for a few minutes, but when we could tell they were gone we all took a big sigh of relief. 

"So what do we want to do?" I asked. 

"Pizza, movie, lots of candy and sodas. Plus a game of hide and seek." Lucas said.

"Sure," I nodded.

"I'm down," Nolan added. Being cool as always. 

"Cool I'll order some pizza." Lucas dialed in the number. "Hey, yeah I'll take two large meat lover's pizzas with stuffed crusts. I'll also have a small pepperoni pizza, thanks." Lucas finished up. "Thirty minutes or it free," he smirked. 

"Lucas don't you dare," I stared at him. When Lucas was younger he would set traps for the pizza man. 

"I have some barbed wire and some glue." Lucas said. He grabbed a basket labeled 'Pizza Man' from under the stairs. 

"But if the police come, I had nothing to do with this." I grabbed my phone and walked up to my room.  I locked the door and prepared to act like the boys had locked me in the room if the police came. 

"Free pizza!" Lucas called thirty minutes later. 

"How did you do that?" I asked as I walked downstairs. 

"Well the pizza man was actually late," Nolan said. I rolled my eyes.

Sure he was, "So what did you do?" I grabbed a slice of pepperoni and I sat down on the edge of the couch. 

"Just set some barbed wire and I may have poured some glue on the steps." Lucas smirked.

"Mom's gonna kill you," I replied. His face fell as he realized what he had just done. 

"Crap!" He exclaimed and ran outside. Nolan and I started laughing. I fell off the couch with a yelp and I landed on my back. 

"Oops," I jumped up. Nolan was laughing.

"You ok?" Nolan smirked. I rolled my eyes, I wasn't one to be won over by a smirk. 

"I'm fine."

"Welp I think I am dead," Lucas walked in from outside. Me and Nolan looked at each other and laughed. 

"You're so dead," Nolan smirked. 

"Hide and seek?" Lucas prompted, he just wanted to hide forever so Mom wouldn't kill him. 

"Sure, you count." Nolan hit Lucas and started running.

"Well I guess you're it," I ran out of the room. 

"Ugh, 1, 2, 3," Lucas started. Nolan ran upstairs and I followed, there was one hiding spot that no one, even Lucas, knew about.

 I ran into my room and crawled under my bed, I pushed back a loose panel and crawled into the spot. I sat in the room and waited.

"Can I come in?" Nolan asked. 

"Sure," I replied annoyed. "But hurry, Lucas may hear." I opened the panel and Nolan climbed in quickly. We sat quietly and we heard Lucas running around. "Who knew teen boys wanted to play hide and seek," I whispered when Lucas had gone downstairs.

"Trust me, I didn't know." Nolan laughed. "We should get out of here, I hear my dad's car." Nolan said.

"Let's go," I said. To be honest I was tired and I just wanted to sleep.

"Hey guys," Mom said when she walked though the front door. 

"How was dinner," I pounced on her.

"It was good." Mom smiled. "Nolan your dad is waiting in the car." 

"Ok cool, night Mrs. Evans, Skye, Lucas." Nolan nodded. 

"To bed all of you," Mom said when the door closed. 

"I think she heard about the glue," I whispered the a terrified Lucas as we walked upstairs. 

"I'm doomed," he gulped. 

"Good luck," I smiled, he was in for it. 

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