She stayed silent.

  "You must know how to fight. Where did you learn?"

  "My father taught me. For self-defence."

  "It's disappointing how you took advantage of what your father taught you."

  Lia growled, wanting to fight back but she knew she couldn't. Tears welled up in her eyes.

  "Officer Braddell. That's not relevant to the investigation here." Rodriguez said sternly. He turned back to Lia. "Was there a reason to why you had a fist fight with Sandy?"

  "I...I did it because I couldn't control my anger. She cursed about my father after a few weeks of my father's death. I couldn't take it."

  "So that was your solution? You get upset and beat others?"

  She kept silent.

  "Everyone gets mad and loses control at some point." She whispered under her breath.

  "What's that you said?"

  She repeated, raising her tone. Braddell was burning up. Wasn't too happy with her reply.

  "So in theory, you lost control yesterday and pushed her down the building? What are the chances that you were the one who had the knife in your hands?"

  "Braddell. You do not assume. We're here to interrogate, not to make assumptions."

  "No. Think about it. She knows how to fight. She's a Stark. Just like Tony Stark, uses their last names to get away from anything."

  "Braddell, she was stabbed. Slashed here and there."

  "She could've stabbed herself and frame Sandy for it. Why wouldn't she? Revenge for what Sandy had said to her."

  Rodriguez shot up from his seat.

  "Stop it. I understand that Sandy was your niece and I am sorry for your loss but you're a police officer. Be professional or I'm dropping you from this case," he said. "For now, wait outside. I'll continue with the questioning."

Braddell left the room and slammed the door. Lia flinched at the sound and bursts into tears. Rodriguez sighed and sat down.

"I'm sorry about him. He shouldn't have reacted that way."

"I-I swear... I d-didn't do it on p-purpose..." she cried. "I...I had to d-defend myself..."

"Hey kid. As much as I want to believe you, I need the evidences. The only way that you can prove your innocence is by having the evidences. The police will do the bare minimum for you because there's death involved and you're here alive."


"I just got slapped by a sixteen year old, Rhodey. Do you know how embarrassing it was?"

"Can I say you deserve it? Because practically I already did say it."

Tony glared at him.

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