Merlin, I should be excited to see Draco but knowing he was out there made me want to run away and hide.

The door opened and there the Malfoys stood. Vigorous and powerful. My entire body tensed when I saw Draco. It was like seeing him for the first time in forever. His eyes found mine instantly and his lips curled up into a slither of a grin. Suddenly, I felt relaxed. And my own lips pulled up into a slight smile as well.

Until my eyes moved to Draco's father. Lucius held a relaxed expression, similar to my father's. But the intimidation the man radiated sent cold slithers of chills up my spine. His eyes looked between me and my parents and he did well to hide his judgment.

Narcissa however stood with a pleasant smile on her face. Was it fake? Or was it genuine? I couldn't tell.

"Lucius," Father said as a way of greeting.

"Richard," Lucius responded as his eyes met my father's and locked in a battle of dominance.

"Please, come in," my mother stepped forward, placing a hand on my father's shoulder as he stepped to the side. Lucius, Narcissa and Draco walked in and my father shut the door, causing a quiet slam to echo through my quiet home.

Draco was standing in my home. I had to look down at the wooden floor, almost feeling ashamed. My family had wealth but not as much as they had. I couldn't help but wonder if they thought it smelled or if the decoration was strange and not up to their standards.

Lucius shook my father's hand and both my father and Lucius looked like they were forced to be there. Lucius leant down and kissed my mother on the cheek as my father did the same to Narcissa. Narcissa then held my mother's hand in front of her and they shared a few words. I couldn't tell what they were saying, I was too focused on Lucius looking around my home. I bit the inside of my cheek nervously.

Suddenly, his eyes locked onto mine as I stood awkwardly a few steps away.

He began walking towards me.

"Alyssa? Is it?" he said as he reached for my hand. I saw my father tense and I wondered why. I also saw Draco watching cautiously.

My lips parted at the feel of Lucius' hand on mine. I felt so small and my voice was shaky when I corrected him, "Eliza."

"My apologies," Lucius said as he brought my hand to his lips and placed a delicate kiss on my fingers. At that moment, his eyes met mine. Was that approval glistening in his eyes?

"Strange I find it that I had no idea at the ball of my son and yours relationship," Lucius added. My only response was the smile on my lips.

"Dinner is this way," my mother's voice echoed through the hallway as Lucius' eyes glanced over to her, releasing my hand and following my mother into the dining room.

When he was gone, I instantly released a breath, closing my eyes for a moment. The faster this evening ended, the better. I opened my eyes and saw Draco was still in the foyer in front of me. He wore black trousers and a black button-up shirt, the top three buttons undone. His hair was a little messy and he looked as handsome as ever. Just by looking at him, I felt more at ease.

I took a step forward and so did he. I wanted to kiss him so badly but my parents and his were walking down the hallway and I knew we would be caught. His eyes looked down at my lips and I knew he was thinking the same thing. Not now, later, I told myself.

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