First Encounters

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"Y/n! Y/n? Come on, wake up!"

Your eyes flickered open and you sat up. "Sorry, did I sleep in again?" you yawned. Misty laughed and nodded. You stretched and rolled up your sleeping bag, quickly brushed your hair, and gobbled up a museli bar.

"Ready? That was fast," Ash laughed. You nodded, and continued your journey towards the next gym.

Ash was collecting gym badges to enter the Indigo League. You had heard of this league, and desperately wanted to compete. But there was something that held you back. You didn't want fame, or to be known for winning the Indigo League. It was unlikely that you could win, but it was a possibility. Still, you cared for your Pokémon too much to battle with them. You loved to battle with them, one hundred percent! But, sometimes it made you sad to see them hurting.

You had trained them fantastically, but you were worried the trainers in the Indigo League were better, and would smash your Pokémon. You took your thoughts away from this and walked next to Misty.

"So, have we got anything planned today?" you asked curiously.

"Ha, I wish," Misty muttered bitterly, "Ash is set on going to the Vermilion City Gym, and he won't rest until we get there. I'm afraid we're only stopping to get more food if we pass through a small town or village."

"Ugh, that's annoying," you sigh.

"Yep, that's Ash for you," Misty huffed.

"He's not that bad," you smile, trying to keep Misty's view of Ash positive (mainly because you didn't want them fighting all the time), "I just think he's very... enthusiastic."

Misty shrugged. "Whatever it is, he's a magnet for trouble."

"Trouble you say? Well you better prepare."

"And make it double, while we're there."

"To protect the world from devastation."

"To unite all peoples within our nation."

"To denounce the evils of truth and love."

"To extend our reach to the stars above."



"Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light!"

"Surrender now, or prepare to fight."

"Meowth, that's right!"

The trio were standing next to each other. You were a little surprised that the Meowth could talk, but it didn't really faze you. You had seen stranger things. The girl, Jessie, had long red hair. It was impressive, seeming to defy the laws of physics. The boy, James, had long lavender hair. It was more of a periwinkle colour, but you still couldn't decide whether it was more blue or more purple.

"Team Rocket!" Ash gasped, "what do you want?"

"What else?" Jessie snarled in a seductive tone. Ash was taken aback and looked disgusted. Jessie and James cackled their evil laugh.

"Wasn't expecting that, were you?" James grinned.

"We're taking the surprising route today," Jessie smiled.

"Well you're not going to get Pikachu!" Ash snapped.

"Ah, so you finally caught on! We were worried your twerpish brain would- wait there's a new twerp!" Jessie said in surprise.

"You don't say," Meowth gasped.

You find all of their eyes on you. You gulped awkwardly. "Um... hi?" you try.

"Do you have any nice or interesting Pokémon?" Jessie asked quickly.

"Uh... I have a Growlithe?"

"Oh I love Growlithes-

"Shut up, James! No-one cares about your puppy-Pokémon addiction. This twerp is useless, like the others. Now, twerp! Hand over your Pikachu!"

"In your dreams, Team Rocket!"

And so the battle began.

💜💙 Extending Our Love to the Stars Above 💜💙 [James x Fem!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now