😘bakugou is innocent😋

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No one's pov~~
It was a usual day in the dorm all of them in the kitchen and the bakusquad teasing bakugou about random things so yeah the day was going great a few hours later they in the common room just chilling some were reading others playing game and some on their phone while the bakusquad still teasing bakugou a lot
Bakubabe's POV ~~
As I was about to tell these idiots to shut up deku suddenly spoke up "h-hey guys I don't think you should tease kacchan anymore he might get mad" the bakusquad all turned to deku than turned back and kept teasing me so I finally snapped at than "you better stop before I fucking blow you up!" I said the bakusquad all backed up(excluding bakugou) and went to do something else while I went to the kitchen to start on lunch(aww my baby can cook) as I was have way through making lunch everyone started coming to the kitchen. A few minutes later the bakusquad (excluding bakugou) got up from their seats and started to poke me I got annoyed and said"fuck you!" To no one in specific "Said todoroki coming from behind me
No one's POV~~
Bakugou looked at him confused and said"wth icyhot what are you talking about!" Todoroki than looked at bakugou with his emotionless eyes than realized something "you don't know what fuck means do you?" Said todoroki gaining the attention of everyone else(excluding todoroki and bakugou)"wait really"said kirishima "you innocent innocent thing come with me" todoroki said as he pulled bakugou with him while bakugou was saying a series of curses which todoroki ignored when they made it to his room he pulled bakugou in and went to his closet and pulled out a big hoodie and gave it to bakugou"here put this on"todoroki said "you don't tell me what to do icyhot" bakugou said while looking at the hoodie "if you don't I can help you put it on" todoroki said "tch fine" bakugou said as he walked out of the room a few minutes later todoroki heard the door open and looked up and saw bakugou in the big hoodie looking adorable (okay so I am tired of so such long names so I am gonna use so nick name let's do it) todo then pulled Baku to the common room where everyone else was as they heard footsteps they turned to be met with Baku in a big hoodie looking so adorable "omg bakubro! you look so manly!" Kiri says "do I look I-in um"" you mean intimidating" Lida says "yes yes it does bakubabe it makes you look so intimidating" Mina says while Baku blushes everyone coos "sh-shut the fuck pinky!" Baku says "don't say that only villains say bad words" Mina says she knows what she's doing is wrong(but if it does the deed than who am I to judge)"s-so all this time I've been speaking like a villain" Baku says with tears threatening to fall at any given moment(no I am making my baby cry whyyyyy😭😭😭) everyone holds backs awws as they see this "no no I didn't mean this I just meant there bad words just don't say it again"" okay I won't"
Long story short Mina got bakubabe more cute clothes and when ever he said a bad word he would say sorry Mina found found this cute but she enjoyed it

The end
Bye my babes and SIMPs

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