👌mute Bakugou👌

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OK so this is a book about mute Bakugou meaning he doesn't talk there are two kinds of mutes 1: where you can't talk. 2: where you chose not to talk that is called being a selective mute okay have fun reading the story

No one's pov

Bakugou was a very sweet kid but as the days went on he stopped talking much by the end of the year he wouldn't speak more than two words one day some thing in his mind just clicked after that happened he never spoke a word again not even when he was in pain so that brings us here

Time skip to present day brought to you by Bakugou being super innocent

Bakugou had just woke up and got ready for school Bakugou was super nervous seeing as it was his first day of school he had finally gotten into his dream school UA but the thing that

Bakugou never told anyone the reason why though so not even deku knows that Bakugou is now a mute Bakugou goes down to see his mom setting down the dishes while his dad was reading

A newspaper (like who the hell still reads newspaper👀) his dad looked up at him and smiled at Bakugou "hi suki" his dad said to him "hey suki!" His mom said sitting down next to Bakugou

Bakugou than started eating.You probably think that the table was dull but no there was no dullness to be found as the laughter was so loud the neighbors probably heard them Bakugou finished

Breakfast than put away his dishes and got his bag and started to get his shoes on he started to go outside he started to head to UA while walking he was watching the tree go by the sound of nature

Every where seeing and hearing this Bakugou relaxed slowly becoming less nervous than he was before minutes later he finally made it to UA gates so he walked to his class not talking to anyone

Bakugou opens the door and goes to his seat everyone attention goes to him seeing as he's a handsome and cute boy. Deku looks up and his eyes shine with happiness seeing his childhood friend

Again deku goes to Bakugou's seat "hi kacchan!" Deku says happily Bakugou just looks up to deku and back down deku is confused because Bakugou doesn't say any thing but he strugs it off as him not wanting to talk to him suddenly 4 people come to

Bakugou's seat after talking he find out the ones with red hair is kirishima, the one with pink hair is Mina,the one with yellow hair is denki,the one with black hair is sero,and the one with purple hair is jiro he had already thought of names to call them

They were all confused because he didn't talk yet but at that moment they all had the same thought 'he probably doesn't talk much' as they than formed the bakusquad it made Bakugou super

Happy to have the squad named after him

Time skip to a month brought to you by me having a mental break down last night!

It was a month into school and still no body had heard him talk they were all confused so when Bakugou left to the bathroom they all started talking "hey have anybody heard Bakugou talk?" Kiri asked them to which they all shook their heads no

They then made a pain to get him to talk aizawa helped too because he was worried for his problem child Bakugou got back from the bath room as aizawa started teaching he than asked

Bakugou to answer Bakugou got a piece of paper and wrote the answer on the paper and showed it to him everyone was sulking because there plan didn't work on Bakugou

"OK I'm tried of this just tell me why you won't talk?!". Aizawa yelled concerned about his problem child bakugou than wrote on a piece of paper and showed it to the class they were all shocked

By what the paper said and mad that they hadn't thought of it before. What the paper said:I'm a mute. Is what is written on the paper

Bye guys

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