it's nice to have a friend (part 1)

Start from the beginning

Taylor nodded and walked over to a girl with curly red hair who was drawing on a piece of paper at her desk.

"Hello, I'm Taylor," Taylor said to the girl, smiling the way little kids do.

The redhead looked up, setting her green crayon down. "I'm Abigail," she said.

"Wanna be best friends?" Taylor asked.

Abigail stuck her bottom lip out a bit and shrugged. "Okay," she agreed.

"Great! Whatcha drawing?" Taylor replied, looking to the paper on Abigail's desk.

"A field of flowers." Abigail picked up a purple crayon from her box, coloring a flower in the grass.

"Ooh," Taylor said, looking interestedly at the picture. "What's your favorite color?"

"Red," Abigail answered.

"Mine is purple, but I like anything sparkly," Taylor said.

"I like sparkly things too," Abigail replied.

"Good," Taylor said, a wide smile on her tiny face.

"Okay everyone, get to your seats!" Ms. Larson announced, and Taylor scampered over to her desk the next row over.

After a little bit of morning lessons, mostly talking about what would happen that year, it was time for morning recess. There was where Abigail and Taylor met a girl named Selena, and the three of them played tag until it was time to go back inside.

It was lunch time soon enough, and just as Taylor was taking her peanut butter and jelly sandwich out to eat, she spotted someone she hadn't noticed before.

Sitting quite alone at the edge of a table full of other boys, and eating pretzel sticks out of a plastic bag was a boy with blonde hair, light blue jeans, a green and yellow striped tshirt, and black sneakers.

"He looks lonely," Taylor said, pointing the boy out to her new friends. "I'm gonna talk to him."

So she skipped over to his table, stopping when she reached him. "Hi, I'm Taylor. What's your name? You're alone, so do you want to come sit at the table with my friends?"

The little boy looked up, appearing confused. "I'm Joe," he answered.

"Why do you talk like that?" Taylor asked, tilting her head sideways.

"I'm from London," said Joe, looking down.

"Oh. Do people from London talk differently? Where is London?" questioned Taylor.

"It's in... England, Mum said," Joe answered, looking unsure. "We all speak English."

"Huh. Do you want to come sit with us?" Taylor asked again.

"Alright," Joe agreed, picking up his dark blue lunchbox and following Taylor to the table with her friends.

"This is Selena and Abigail," Taylor said. "And this is Joe. He's from London, so he talks funny."

"Hello!" Selena said brightly, and Abigail gave a quick wave and smile.

"Hi," said Joe quietly.

When Taylor's mom came to pick her up that afternoon, Taylor's head was filled with many questions.

"Mommy, where's London?" Taylor asked as soon as she saw her mom.

"It's over in Europe, sweetie," Andrea said. "Why?"

"I met a boy today who talks weird, and he says he's from London," Taylor answered, swinging her little backpack over her shoulders.

"Really?" Andrea asked.

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