Chapter 14: The Birth Of A Name

Start from the beginning

"He's such a good kid! Why you can't you give me one like him!" She wails and my mouth drops almost as fast Mark's role in the household. Goddamn...if this keeps up, he won't have enough manhood left to have a kid, Romy!

"H-Honey! Not in front of the guest...! P-Please!" Mark's stammering voice fails to make Romy's tears stop and she starts to hit him on the shoulder. Not lightly either. Rather viciously. "Ugh I get it! I'll try harder!"

"You better!"

"So..." Glacia has a hard time understanding what's going on, but from the softening of her face, it seems she too sympathizes with Mark's position. "Um, let me reintroduce myself. I am Glacia Dicentia, a guest lecturer at the Teirn School of Magic in Cesaria City. I'm writing my thesis on the history of those cursed by the Blood Witch and how they've been misunderstood in popular culture. I'd like it very much if you could tell me more about how you know a Blood-lock and why it rained blood. It would be a huge help! I can pay money...well to be honest, I don't have much...but maybe I can help you with something?"

"..." No one answers for a second. She panics as we continue to stay silent.

"I-I may not look it, but my magic can be pretty useful! You have no idea how hard it has been trying to find information on Blood Warlocks, if I had known this thesis would be so hard, I'd never have picked it! But now it's too late to change..." Glacia misunderstands our silence as disbelief. My face scrunches up as I think about what she just said. Wait...guest lecturer at Teirn School of Magic? And you...understand that Blood Warlocks are misunderstood? Not an ugly old man either...aren't you a little too perfect?

That's it, she's the one!

"Would you be willing to teach me magic?" I can't resist asking outright. "Just for a little bit! I'll tell you all about the Blood-lock I know!"

"Huh?" Glacia looks very surprised to hear that. "Well, I do give lessons from time to time. But I'm not actually a certified teacher, I only teach the final year students. It was only on account of my talent that I was allowed to work as a guest lecturer so I can't really be considered a proper instructor. If you want to learn magic you would be better off getting a formal education. The way I teach is not really very good for people without an instinctual understanding of magic...also, aren't you kind of young!"

"Is that a problem? I want to learn!" I declare.

"'s not if you can feel the flow of mana. But I cannot guarantee that you will get any results." Glacia seems very nervous, "Please though, tell me everything you can about this Blood-lock! I will do anything you want! My degree depends on it!"

"You said aaaanything." A wicked look comes into my eye. When I see Romy staring at Glacia with dollar signs in her eyes, I realize that even though we're not related by blood, we may have more in common than I thought. She sees it too huh? An opportunity we can't miss! "Then I want you to teach me magic in return for my knowledge of Blood-locks. Don't worry, even if I can't understand your lessons, I'll still tell you everything you want to know!"

"I...are you sure?" Glacia glances at me, and I can see the desperation in her face. She must have really been driven crazy trying to find accurate information on Blood-locks. After a moment, her expression becomes firm and she nods. "Okay! I'll teach you as well as I can and you'll tell me what you know! We'll teach each other!"


We end up relighting the cake and celebrating both my Naming Ceremony and the hiring of my magic tutor at the same time. When I blow out the cake, I have only one wish. Mephis...if only you could be here. However, though tears come to my eyes when I think of the person missing, I hold them in. Until I take my revenge, I shouldn't cry. That would be letting those bastards win!

"So..." The only three people in my life look to me curiously, "What name did you choose?"

Is that even a question?

There's only one name I'd choose in this life since my real parents aren't here.

Mephis, I'm not going to lie. Your people have a weird taste in names, but though I never called you father, I'd be proud to carry the same name as you. I'll take on your suggestion!

"From now on, call me Myrrdraeyal."

And that was that. I finally had a name. My new magic teacher, Glacia Dicentia was found. And we didn't even have to pay her anything. Though in the end, Romy felt guilty and ended up giving her some tuition money for her trouble. Heh, I think Glacia was really underestimating her abilities though. After the first lesson with her, I understood something very clearly.

Glacia a genius at teaching!

Also...we totally scammed her!

She has no idea how much she's worth...

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