"You don't need my permission to do things, Rio. I don't want to control you." I mumble distantly and he shakes his head, kneeling down in front of me so that we're now eye level.

"Hey, listen to me." He says as he places both hands on my thighs. "You are my girlfriend, Thea. Your feelings matter to me and although this whole relationship thing is new to me, I do know that this won't work unless we communicate with each other."

His hands are warm on my thighs, his touch sending chills through my body. "I know," I say quietly, knowing deep down that what he's saying is right.

"I know the tracks are a difficult place for you. They haven't exactly been a fun experience and I would never ever expect you to want to go to another race again. You mean more to me than any race, or any car, or any win. So if you're not comfortable with me going back, then I won't."

I take a deep breath, listening to everything he's saying. Although the tracks haven't exactly been the nicest places, they brought me something I could never express my gratitude for. They brought me Rio. And honestly, that overrides everything that's ever happened to me.

All the fights, the drama, the disgusting men who think they can take advantage of young girls, the risks and the danger. 

I also can't forget the amazing people that I met there too. Kayin, Sienna, Brody.. even Jacey and his strange ways. Four people who have genuinely changed my life for the better. Four people who make me smile and laugh. Four people who are beautiful on the inside just as much as the outside.

"I think you should do what you want to do." I eventually tell him. "Whatever you decide, I will support you all the way. If you want to race, then I'll be there. If you don't, I'll still be here."

"Well we have time to decide. The tracks aren't going anywhere, so whatever happens, happens. Okay?" He says and I nod, smiling slightly at him. "Now come on, the quicker we meet Jacey, the quicker we can leave." He chuckles.

I follow Rio as we leave his house and get into his Jaguar, ready for when we collect his siblings later.

We take the short drive to Jacey's house where he is already waiting for us with Myla. He watches us pull onto his driveway with a huge smile which I just laugh at.

He walks over to Rio's car and opens the door for me, impatiently waiting for me to unfasten my seatbelt so he can give me a typical Jacey hug. By that, I mean squeezing me so hard that I practically suffocate.

"T!" He exclaims as he literally pulls me out of the car and into his chest.

I chuckle at his enthusiasm and return his hug. "Hi Jacey." I mumble against his rock hard chest as he playfully messes up my hair with his hand.

"Alright, let her breathe Jace." Rio says humorously as he pulls me back from him.

I look up to see him still smiling as Myla walks towards us. "We ready or what? I'm starving." She groans as she walks over to Jacey's car.

"When did you get this?" I ask as I glance over to the modified matte black four-by-four Bentley and he wiggles his eyebrows at me with a small smirk.

"The other day. She's beautiful, right?" He says as he taps on the roof, admiring the large vehicle.

I furrow my brows, trying not to laugh at him. "She?" I repeat and he nods proudly.

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