Chapter 32: Blessings

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   A few days after Nico and Will accidentally shadow traveled to a Cheez Whiz factory, Nico made a decision.

   "So you know how I didn't have that bad of a reaction from the shadow travel when we went to Venezuela? How I didn't even pass out for very long that time?"


   "Well....I was wondering if we could go somewhere..."

   Will looked at Nico. They were just finishing up archery lessons. "Okay. What did you have in mind?"

   "Umm...I was wondering if you wanted to meet Sally..."


   "I mean Sally, Percy's mom. I've met her a few times now, and Percy says she really likes me for whatever reason. But, I don't know, like a meet the parent kind of thing? I don't know, I know she's not my mom, and we're not even that close, but...I first met her when I was 11. It was 6 months after Bianca died, and I didn't have anybody. I mean, there was my dad, but he isn't exactly an amazing parent. So I was on my own. I showed up to Percy's house to give him an idea to stop Kronos and he invited me inside. I planned on only staying for a few minutes, you know, long enough to give him the plan, but as I went inside, I was in Percy's house. In his bedroom! I felt really nervous, and before I knew it, Sally was making me food and talking to me and treating me like a normal human. Like I was family. Nobody had ever treated me that nicely since Bianca, and she was just so nice. Warm. I felt comfortable. Paul, Percy's stepdad, was the same way. I felt like I was normal for once. I even felt happy. I was able to see her a couple more times after that, and it was always the same. And she even...she even reminded me of my own mother. I know that's probably weird...."

   Will took Nico's hands in his. "No, it's not weird. You were 11 years old. You were all alone. And even though you didn't even get to see her that many times, you saw her as a parental figure. Anyone who doesn't have parents does that. Especially children. And yes, I would love to meet Sally. I've heard so many good things about her from Percy and Annabeth and Grover. Just let me tell Kayla to take over activities while I'm gone."

   Soon, they were standing back near the archery range. They were a little ways away, under some trees so Nico could find a good shadow to travel in. He held onto Will's hand and thought about Percy's apartment in Manhattan. One moment they were standing under a tree at camp, then everything disappeared and was replaced with darkness. After a few seconds, they were standing in the middle of Sally's living room where she was sitting with Paul, Percy, and Annabeth. They all stared at the two arrivals with wide eyes.

   Nico looked at them all. "Hi." He said. Then everything went black.

  When Nico came to, he was lying on Sally's couch as Will was opening up a drink. When he noticed that Nico was awake, he grinned.

   "Good afternoon, sleepy head! I was just getting some gatorade ready since it seemed to help in Venezuela."

   Nico sat up and immediately felt light-headed.

   "Drink." Will said, shoving the blue drink into his hands.

   After Nico was able to walk around again, Will called everybody else in and told them Nico was awake.

   Then Nico was engulfed in a hug by Percy and Annabeth.

   "It's so great to see you, Nico!" Annabeth said.

   "Yeah! Man, I was having a lousy weekend of doing homework, but you just made my weekend better! So, what brings you to our apartment?" Percy added.

   After a few seconds of being suffocated in a hug by the 2, he pushed them off. Sally was walking over to Nico when Nico noticed that her stomach was really big. She was pregnant!

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