Chapter 29: Drama and Spoons

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   It was a chilly morning, about a week after Nico started sitting at the Apollo table when trouble began.

   He was eating breakfast next to Will, quietly chatting with him when an asian girl with a face full of makeup walked over. She walked like she owned the place, and her face was scrunched up into a frown. It was Drew Tanaka of the Aphrodite cabin. She was Camp Counselor before Piper took over.

   She slammed her hand on the table in front of them with a disgusted look on her face. "So are you guys, like, together?"

   The two boys were silent for a moment. That was not how they expected to start their morning.

   Finally, Will spoke up. "Uh, yeah, we are."

   She glared at Will. "That is disgusting. It's not natural."

   Nico looked at his feet. This was exactly what he had been afraid of for so long. How he thought everyone would react.

   Will gripped Nico's hand. Will could probably tell something was wrong, and what. He didn't let go.

   "Oh, really? Then why do many of the gods have same-sex partnerships? Are you saying they are disgusting and not natural?" Will asked her, matter-of-factly.

   She looked dumb-founded. "W-well, it's different! They're gods!"

   "How is that any different, Drew? Gods were around before humans. We were modeled after them, just as lesser beings. We were also modeled in sexuality and gender."

   "But it's disgusting! Gods can actually change form to be any gender they want! Humans can't! Plus, you can't have children with two of the same gender! That's why it isn't natural!"

   Nico thought Drew had a good point until Kayla spoke. "That's not true."

   Drew stared daggers at her. "What are you talking about?"

   Nico was thinking the same thing himself, but Will and Austin both had smug smiles on their faces.

   "I said it's not true." Kayla continued. "About children in same-sex partnerships. My dad is Apollo, but I also have a mortal dad. There are other demigods like that, too. And 2 demigods can have kids if they're the same gender as well. It's the little bit of godly DNA we have. It's just a bit different. If it's 2 guys, there's no pregnancy, because you would have to change the anatomy of the whole person. If they decide to have a baby, it has to be granted by a god, doesn't matter which one, and the baby will just appear with the same genes as both of the dads. Completely biological. Sometimes you don't even have to ask, like an accidental baby. But if it's 2 girls, it also has to be granted by a god, but in this case there is a pregnancy. In both cases you first have to, you know...This also can be an accidental pregnancy because a god can decide they want to grant 2 demigods or 1 demigod and a mortal with a baby without being asked to do so. Anyways, I thought you would know that, Drew. With your mom being the goddess of love and everything."

   Nico felt that his face was red. He never knew that! But if two guys could have a baby...did Nico even ever want to have kids? He decided to stop thinking about that. He was only 14.

   Drew looked just as shocked as Nico. "B-but, how?"

   "Do you need me to give you The Talk?" Asked Kayla sarcastically.

   "O-of course not! W-well, it still isn't natural! You have to get a blessing from a god! And normal mortals can't!"

   Will shrugged his shoulders. "So what? Why do you have to worry about it? We're not bothering you and constantly doing romantic things around you, and even if we did, you don't have a right to say anything. It doesn't physically hurt you. Just leave us alone and keep to yourself. Anybody should be able to be with anybody they want to be with. And I'm with Nico. Love is love."

   Drew opened her mouth like she was going to say something, then closed it. She glared at everybody one last time before stomping away.

   Will and Kayla high-fived, but Nico was still looking down at his feet.

   "Nico, this is going to happen sometimes. There are going to be people like Drew who aren't accepting. But you know what? Those people are ignorant and close-minded, and they don't deserve your time. Don't worry about those people, okay? You are not disgusting. You are not ill. As long as we stay strong and keep fighting, everything's going to be alright."

   Nico nodded and kept holding Will's hand.

   A little while later, Cecil walked over to the Apollo table.

   "Hey guys, what was that earlier? I saw Drew come over here and then stomp off." Cecil asked.

   "Oh, she was just lecturing us for being gay." Will said.

   Cecil's gaze turned sympathetic. "I'm sorry. Drew has always been a stuck-up brat. Don't worry about what she says. You guys are actually a really cute couple."

   Will smiled. "Thanks. I was trying to convince Nico of the same thing."

   Cecil's grin turned mischievous. "So who's the big spoon and who's the little spoon?"

   For some reason, Will's face turned red. "Cecil! Really?! We've only been dating for a week!"

   "I know, I know, but still."

   Nico looked up from his food. "What are you talking about? Why would we be spoons? In this hypothetical situation, I would be a knife."

   Will and Cecil started cracking up. "I mean are you top or bottom?" Cecil asked.

   "Hmm? The Hades cabin doesn't have bunk beds."

   They started laughing even harder. "Oh Nico, you are so innocent." Will said, wiping tears from his eyes.

   Nico scowled. "Shut up. Is anybody going to tell me what is going on?"

   Once Cecil explained what it meant, Nico couldn't even look at them, he was so flustered. "What in the Hades? Guys can really...But how-?"

   "Don't worry about it right now, Nico. We're young, in a new relationship, and you probably want to wait until marriage anyways." Will laughed at the look on Nico's face.

   "Wait, you mean some people don't wait until marriage?" Nico asked, shocked.

   Will nodded. "Most people don't."

   Nico's eyes got wide. "Has Percy and Annabeth? Or my sister?!"

   Will laughed. "I don't know about Percy and Annabeth, but I'm sure Hazel hasn't. She probably has the same values as you, being from around the same time. Plus, she's only 13. There is almost nobody who has at 13. I'd say the average age is probably like 16 and older."

   "Okay, but answer my question." Cecil finally said after controlling his laughter.

   Without hesitation, Will said, "Oh, Nico's definitely the little spoon."

   "Excuse me?!" Nico said. "Just because I'm short-"

   "It's nothing to do with being short. I asked you out first. I kissed you first. I'm always the one to kiss you. You're always the one to blush."

   Nico crossed his arms. "Ugh, shut up. Please just stop talking. I'm feeling uncomfortable."

   Will and Cecil laughed again. "I'm sorry, death boy. We'll stop now."

   Nico gazed into the distance and saw Drew glaring at them. He thought about what had happened earlier. He knew it was going to be difficult being gay and out of the closet. (A term Will had taught him.) People were going to be mean. But being with Will was worth it.

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