Chapter 11: Confessions

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    Nico was freaking out. It was only 3 days until Will's birthday and he hadn't gotten him a present yet. Nico knew that Will told him he didn't need a present, he was a present by itself, whatever that means, but he felt it would be rude not to. Plus, he wanted to get him a present. He had never even been to a birthday before, besides for when Percy invited him inside so they could talk about how to take Kronos down. He didn't think sitting around talking about how to defeat an evil titan eating blue cake was a normal party. Now that he thought about it, the only two parties he'll be attending would be his two crushes.

    He sat on his (still very vampire-ish) bed and thought about it deeply. What would Will want? What if he didn't end up liking the gift? He was about to decide to back out when he got an idea. He remembered what Piper told him. There were many people he could talk to. He didn't plan on telling anyone about his crush on Will, he knew there was someone who would want to listen, who would support him. Maybe Nico could even ask him what to get Will!


   "Hey, I was wondering if I could talk to you."

   The son of Jupiter turned around, facing away from the statue of his father in his cabin. He didn't flinch when Nico talked to him, like most people did when he greeted someone. He was currently back from searching for Leo for a few days so that they could rest up and re-stock supplies.

   "Oh hey, Nico! Of course you can talk to me. Sit down, sit down."

   Nico took a seat on a pillow he gave him because there weren't any chairs in the Zeus cabin. Jason took another pillow and sat down across from him.

   "So what did you want to talk about?"

   He waited a minute to answer, but Jason was patient. Nico took a deep breath then looked at Jason. "I, um, I have a c-crush on someone." Nico silently cursed himself for being so stuttery. This wasn't him at all!

   Jason sat forward on his pillow, eyes shining. "Really? Do tell."

   "It's Will. Will Solace."

   Jason looked as if he was about to explode from happiness. He started smiling really wide.

   Nico scowled. "Was it a mistake to tell you, Grace?"

   Jason got his emotions under control. "No, of course not! I'm really glad you told me. I'm honored."

   "You should be, you're the first person I told."

   "Really? Now I feel extremely honored! I know it probably wasn't easy to admit your feelings for him, and even harder to admit them to someone else. It's even braver to admit it on your own terms and not being forced to. So, why did you tell me?"

   "Well, I trust you. I know you won't tell anybody. And also because I want help. I know this is probably kind of weird to be talking like this, it's certainly strange for me at least."

   "That's great that you trust me! That's what I wanted. And of course I won't tell anybody, only if and when you ever want me to. I'll always have your back. So, you're saying you want love advice?"

   "Thanks, Jason. That means a lot. I've never had somebody have my back before, unless you count Bianca. And she didn't know that I... like boys. I guess I don't know how to flirt or ask out or... or anything."

   "Well, let's see here. I don't have experience with boys, but I am dating the daughter of the love goddess, which has to count for something."

   Jason adjusted his glasses. "For starters, try being a bit nicer to him. Like instead of insulting him, maybe try to compliment him insead."

   "What? No insulting? That's impossible! Annabeth didn't constantly compliment Percy, and look at them now!"

   Jason scratched his head. "You're right. How about asking him to hang out with you, then? You can still insult him all you want. You could be like 'Hey, loser. You wanna come hang out in the cemetery later?'" He said in a bad impersonation of Nico.

   Nico scoffed. "I do not sound like that, I would never say that, and I don't spend my time in cemeteries."

   Jason laughed. "You could also try to start conversations with him about things you're both interested in."

   "I don't think we're interested in the same things, Jason. We are literal opposites."

   "I'm sure there's something you guys both like. Anyways, you could always tell Will how you feel about him."

   Nico blushed furiously. "No way! What if he doesn't even like me back? There is no way in Hades that I'm doing that!"

   Jason shrugged. "You know you don't have to make the first move, right?"

   Nico tilted his head. "What do you mean? The man is supposed to ask the woman."

   Jason laughed again. "Nico, we really need to catch you up on the times. It's not like that  anymore. And plus the obvious, you're both guys."

   "I never really thought about it like that..."

   "How about you leave everything up to him? Easiest way to figure out if he likes you is if he makes the first move."

   "Okay. Thanks, Jason. Hey, what should I get him for his birthday?"


    "Will's birthday is in 3 days. What should I get him?"

   "Oh! What does he like?"

   "He likes doctor stuff. And uh, the sun? Shorts and flip flops?"

   "You don't really know what he likes, do you?" Jason chucked.

   "I've only been hanging out with him for a little more than 2 weeks, okay? It didn't really come up!"

   "It's okay, Nico. You can ask him."

   "Well then won't he know something I'm going to get him if I ask?"

   "I can ask for you if you'd like."

   "I guess that would be okay. And Jason?"


   "I don't know how to act at a party."

Out of the Shadows: A Solangelo FanfictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz