🖤 Chapter 6 🖤

Start from the beginning

..." he is dead"...

That was what she kept repeating under her breath as the only thing she could ask was :

"who is "he"? " - she wisperd to herself as she narrowed her eyes at the sky.

She didn't understood... What did it meant? Who is dead? What does this creature from her dream is trying to tell her? Are those dreams all connected?

A loud sigh escaped her as she looked down at the ground, as the same question kept running through her head:

*Why won't it leave me alone? *

She closed her eyes in defeat as she was now trying to calm down herself and stop her mind from asking her all of these questions. It was exhausting her...

"What are you doing here?"

(Y/N) quickly shot her head up and turned around to be met with a face she was not expecting.

"Kayn? But why are you awake?"

"I think i asked something first."

(Y/N) looked down a little with an "oh" and nervously said:

" I-I... I just couldn't sleep.."

Kayn's previous strict gaze now soften a little as he let out a sigh as he walked toward her and sat next to her on the steps.

"The nightmare again?"

(Y/N) kept her gaze on the ground as she quetly nodded.

"*sigh* You know... I couldn't really sleep eather."

(Y/N's) head picked up and looked at him, surprised. She was confused. Why would he have trouble sleeping?
He was always so calm and strong...


"*chuckle* Why are you acting so surprised? Can a man not stay up for a while?"

"O-of course you can. Just... It's... It's a little surprising you know... You are always the very strong and calm one..."

Kayn looked at her for a second before he spoke again.

" Don't get me wrong, most of it is just overthinking or future plans. Although, yes, most of the time I don't think about those things. "

" Ah, yes, of course. "

" How...did you know I was here?"

"I saw your shadow at my window."

"Ah, I see."

A moment of silence filled the air. Then Kayn spoke up again:

"So, are you planning on finnaly telling me about that nightmare of yours?"

(Y/N) didn't respond at first, hesitating. She wanted to tell him but... she was afraid of what he was going to think of it.
But after a little bit of thought she sighed.

" *sigh* I suppose I will... "

Kayn now turned to face her as she still avoided his gaze, a little nervous.

"I... I kept dreaming about that voice... I was never able to see who it belonged to... or to see anything.
It always scared me for some reason... almost was like my mind was reacting on its own. And...it kept hunting me for some time... but this time... It was different... "

"A MATCH MADE IN SHADOW"  {Kayn x Fem. reader} Where stories live. Discover now