"Come on you muffinhead, let's get out of the cold." Halo curled his tail around Sapnap's back protectively.

Sapnap flinched, and slowly looked up at Halo. "You're uh- you're not going to kill me?" he sounded almost disappointed. Hm.

"After what you did? No way muffin! You're too useful. Besides, I need a way into that city and it wouldn't hurt to have some help I don't need to mind control~"

Sapnap just stared at him incredulously.

"What? You don't really believe they're going to have you back in New Hope do you? You just killed Dream! To save me!"

"I- I suppose not."

"Besides... I really took it to heart what you said back there. I'm not Halo, but if you really want to be my friend I'll let you try. Here, I'll even make it easier for you to stop thinking of me as your Halo! You can call me Nightmare."

Nightmare. Like Sapnap's worst nightmare. Like the opposite of Dream. Like the darkness and the evil and the bad. Bad.


"Of course!"

What an idiot. That muffin was so broken and alone and shattered he was willing to believe anything wasn't he! It made Halo feel all proud that he'd managed to get Sapnap on his side so easily. All he'd had to do was traumatise him for almost a year.


And maybe it really would be nice to have some company after all.

"So what uh- what do we do now?"

Halo giggled, "Well we don't need you getting sick do we? Let's go get cleaned up and out of the rain. Then we can pay some muffins a... visit of sorts."

"We- you're going to make me kill them aren't you?"

"Oh come on now Sappy! I wouldn't say 'make' is the right word. Don't worry, I'll show you why they need to be killed. We're doing good okay?"

The human didn't agree, but he didn't exactly say no either. He just numbly let Hal- Nightmare pull him to his feet and lead him through the trees.

"Everything's going to be a-okay Sapnap! We're going to have so much fun!"

Karl's head still hurt from where it had collided with the front door. A bruise was forming there, he knew. The brunet was sat against a fallen tree in the forest. Right behind him were the bodies of George and Dream.

Vrrrrb vrrrrrb

Karl pulled out his mobile, sliding the little phone icon to 'answer'.

"Karl? Karl I got Eret to send someone. Puffy's sqaud is going out right now. I had to show them the library but-"

"It's too late."

"Wh- oh. He got them already?"


Conner chuckled weakly through the phone. "So. Onto the next one then?"

Karl nodded numbly, then remembered that Connor couldn't, in fact, see him. "Uh, yeah. Yeah I suppose so. But... "

"You're scared." It wasn't a question.

"What if I don't remember Connor. What if you don't remember?"

"You will Karl. I promise. And don't worry, I'll be by your side the whole way. Till the end of time remember?"

Karl smiled, "I remember." he sucked in a breath, "Stay with me yeah?"

"Of course."

Karl picked his way through the mud, over to Dream's lifeless body. The sword still sat next to him and Karl timidly picked it up.

"Count down for me Connor."

"From 3?"

"No. No Th-that's too quick. Do ten."

"Okay Karl. Be brave for me."

Once again Karl nodded stupidly, placing the sword over his exposed wrist in preparation. It was hard not to hyperventilate - to panic - but Karl managed.












Better luck next time.

That's it! That's the end! Did you like it?

Hooo boy this is not what I imagined the book would come to when I started this.

Thank you for everyone who read this far, and just know every single one of you helped motivate me to write and I'm happy to have made this. <3

There's one last notes chapter to upload, but then we're done for good. See you then!

Sincerely, twelve scotch eggs

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