Niki was just about able to keep up with Boo despite a few bruises and scrapes on her leg. She was surprised the other two were able to run so fast after seeing them both take as many hits from the zombies as her.

But something drew her gaze away from Ran and to the greenery behind him. Said greenery was a little too green, and suddenly it was moving.


There was a hiss, and the world exploded in a flurry of light and sound.

Niki came to and the world was still spinning a little. The sky was practically the same colour as before, so not that much time could have passed.

Boo sat crumpled at the edge of a crater, practically tearing his throat to shreds with furious and indiscernible cries.

Dragging herself to his side, Niki couldn't see any heavy injuries on Boo and so she cast her eyes towards the crater before them.

Ran. Oh... Oh god. Boo I'm so sorry.

The night curls in oh so menacingly now. The sky a black blanket speckled with twinkling stars. And the world turns in to sleep, blissfully unaware that everyone's lives are about to be put on the line.

Everyone is at peace but the ones in the woods.

The masked protector

The conflicted human

The girl with a iron will

The broken half

The lost watcher

The lonely journal keeper

The fallen angel

The last in the list is smiling a devilish and toothy grin as he approaches the trio.

"Hello little muffins. Let's end this now shall we?"

It begins to rain.

Sapnap turned on his heel at the sound of Halo's taunt. The human immediately putting himself between the demon mutated and his best friends.

"Halo. Where's Skeppy?" George demanded, moving to Sapnap's side instead of hiding behind him. This prompted the human to cast George a worried glance, but he was reassured by the brunet giving him a small smile before returning to glaring at Halo.

"Who?" Halo tried to feign innocence - the Dream Team's anger was just too delicious to not provoke them. But unfortunately said trio was getting pretty sick of the demon's shit.

Dream stood by Sapnap's other side. "Stuff it Halo. We know you and Skeppy were friends. Tell us where he is. Now."

"Ugh fiiiiine. You muffins are being so boring! But if you really insist..." Halo reached into his cloak pocket and the Dream Team tensed. He drew out his closed hand, opening it to present a single, glittering diamond shard.

It couldn't be... Was that one of Skeppy's? There was a dribble of blood on the shard that was quickly washed away in the worsening rain.

"You'll pay for that-!" One of the Dream Team hissed. Halo couldn't care less which it was: he was excited to kill all of them anyway.

So excited, that he decided to do so right away, launching himself towards Dream who had begun to circle to demon mutated. He noticed George had started to circle on the other side but didn't worry about that for now.

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