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The patient looks uncomfortable so I decided to put the stethoscope in my ears and only hear his heartbeat on the top of his hoodie. I looked at his eyes trying to find symptom of other disorders that he could have.

"Please, think of me as a male person if that makes you more comfortable," I spoke as I sat down on the couch parallel to his.

"I'm fine and I don't need to be here, so can you please just let me be," he began as he shrugs sinking on the comfortable couch, crossing his arms and moving his legs, he looks to his left avoiding my eye contacts with him while I try figuring him out.

"From your body language, I can see that you're uncomfortable and wouldn't like to hear from me but it is my job as said to assist my patients on mental status. You've got major depression that creates social phobia, insecurity and minor emotional outburst. I know its nice to have self control but, don't you wanna know what happens if you don't?" I put my papers down on the small wooden table in front of the couch as I saw some changes in his body language. He sat formally and lay his hands on the soft couch.

"I see you're quite interested. I'd like for you to come by every Friday for small talks on afternoons and I wish I could see more improvement on your socialization as we work on it together. It may take a few months but please speak more to your friend about how your day went instead of being stuck on your studio making music. I'd love to hear your song one day though." I walked towards the front door knowing someone is eavesdropping from our conversation, Mr. Kim fell forward as I pulled the door unexpectedly not noticing the leaning eavesdropping person behind the door.

"Oh, I apologize. I did not expect someone to eavesdrop on a conversation between a patient and a doctor," I walked back to my desk with my papers I clicked the pen off and slammed my palm with the pen slightly on my desk as I sat down on my spinning chair, straight back professionally, "I would also like to talk to you Mr. Kim. so please sit down on the couch beside Mr. Min."

"Drop the honorifics, just call me Taehyung. He's Yoongi." Mr. Kim introduced themselves casually as he comfortably sat down on the couch beside Mr. Min. I can clearly see the difference between who's introvert and extrovert by the body language shown.

"I'd like to keep things professional, Mr. Kim Taehyung. Please, create more conversation with your friend Mr. Min Yoongi to clear social phobia. It would also be nice if he could spend less time in his studio and meet new people or try being more comfortable around people, It might be needed to do it my force but seeing his stubbornness it might be necessary to use force for this stage," I explained the situation like what I did a few minutes ago.

"We've got 5 more people making conversations with him everyday. I dont think it helps." Mr. Kim explained.

"It would be pleasant for him to meet new people. Maybe a study group or music group which he could collaborate in? Talking with the same person for a few years that isn't blood related is an awesome news but after getting used to those same person that they drop honorifics I think he should still get used to hanging out to crowded places and talk with extroverts, just like you. Please, remind him to come back here every Friday to continue making casual conversations about how his day went and what he's interested in." I talked professionally throughout the whole explanation breaking the silence in the room.

"When he's part of a music club he tends to talk all the time and doesn't posses any communication skills creating awkward conversations between him and the other person. He's not the type of person who loses or give up in a talk even if they don't understand what he's saying because they talk over each other." Taehyung responded the situation that I thought would be a good solution.

"Please avoid befriending him with dominant person so he would avoid fights between a person or groups. I still suggest on making him meet new people or at least bring him to places he might feel a little uncomfortable but its safe enough for him to communicate to. I know it might be difficult to his career and fame, but I'm sure there's a party for the celebrities too. Bringing him out of his comfort zone a few time a month wouldn't hurt so I also suggest you play group games with him even if its video games or partner games. He should create bond with the other person and exchange doing the lead and the follower so he can understand fair game and cooperation from other teammates." I looked at both of them as I gave them more solutions and suggestions to go through the weeks.

"Thank you very much for your suggestions. I will take that in to considerations," Mr. Kim answered with a boxy smile leaving a dumb founded Mr. Min beside him, he knows what he's doing, "Do you want to re do your room? Why do you have a drawing tube here?"

"Own that drawing tube for personal purposes." I responded respectfully.

"I'm Kim Taehyung, I'm an interior designer. I'm sure you're connected to art in some ways. You cant just bring a drawing tube to the hospital so..?" he asked curiously as Mr. Min got his attention seeing his way of talking for her to open up.

"I'm on my 4th year on Bachelor's of Architecture. It's pleasant to meet a senior. I'm graduating on my 5th year next year. So I can receive my license." I explained happily not noticing the flirty side of this man.

"Architecture is harder than Interior Designing. I bet you've learned a few about it." Mr. Kim felt even more comfortable with her.

"I've learned a few things about interior architecture, anyhow I hope you help your friend, stand up again." I smiled as they got ready to leave.

"This is my business card if you ever need your first client. I'd love to see your designs." Mr. Kim waved goodbye as they left my office.

I received a few more major mental disorders from different patients until it was time for me to call it a day.

"You were awesome on your first day Dr. Kim," my assistant gave me a thumbs up as I head home using a cab, especially since I failed my driving test. I spend a few hours on my architecture project before napping in my art studio.

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