Coffee, Tea or Me

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"I don't like bitter coffee because I don't like bitter life. My life have been mixed with salty and sweet situations but never bitter." I ripped the packet of sugar open with my teeth and emptied the sugar to my coffee.

"Looks like you're the one who needs a psychologist," Yoongi sipped from his coffee as I coughed at his dark humor.

"A progress," I nodded while blowing on the hot coffee then sipping slowly.

"So tell me about it," I said, laying the cup of coffee down on the small table.

"About what?" he asked unbothered by his coffee.

"Your music," I specified as he slowly change his postured and stopped drinking coffee for a moment.

"I...uhh... I started making music since 13, I was known as Gloss in a group called D Town we were underground rappers when I was a high schooler. My parents threw all my music notes and all the items I use to produce music because I was kinda losing focus in school. Though my older brother was by my side. We weren't enough for me to continue with music so I decided to join an actual company that might help me at the age of 17. " he paused for a moment.

"I've always look up to people who achieve big things at a young age. I guess it is not that easy after all." I commented.

"That's just the beginning, every thing came down hill after that one opportunity. Our company got bankrupt so I decided to work part time job, and I got to an accident in an intersection where I ripped my shoulder. There was the time when I want to die because I thought I wouldn't be able to continue making music and no one would be able to help me since we all had financial problems." he continued.

"Instead of being in a boy band, I became a producer and now a soloist." he ended.

"I see," I drank my coffee.

"That's all?" he asked.

"Well, what else do you want me to say?" I asked making eye contact with him with doe eyes while sipping my coffee.

"Don't you have to advice me or suggest or recommend something?" he explained.

"We cant change the past, this is the path you walked into, so I don't really have an advice for you. I'd love to hear what you've composed though, I usually listen to classic songs or even piano's without lyrics since I cant get distracted while working." I replied.

"I got inspired by your story recently so I started song writing," he bit his lips nervously as he pulled out a piece of paper from his hoodie pocket.

"I got inspired by your story recently so I started song writing," he bit his lips nervously as he pulled out a piece of paper from his hoodie pocket

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"The phrase 'You know your ability, but you don't know your limits' hits deeply," he added.

"I inspire you, you inspire me," I stood up and extend my hand out.

"Let's meet up tomorrow at the café nearby don't be late," I arranged with a small grin.

Unexpectedly Yoongi pulled me in an embrace planting my chin on his shoulder and him placing his huge tired hands on my back patting me softly.

You didn't say anything or complain, you closed your eyes and hugged him back. Looks like you both needed these warm big hugs, you just didn't have the courage to ask for it. If only there's such a thing called hug therapist, I would have went everyday.

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