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A/n: OMG I'm so sorry I was doing two projects and starting a new essay I wasnt able to publish it. 💛💛🥺 Pre Save Butter to have butterful day😆

"Of course!" Mr. Park replied surely about my existence.

"No!" I replied trying to avoid the situation, I've been trying to hide.

"What do you mean?" Mr. Park walked towards her desk.

"What are you really doing here? That's the project I assigned from today's class." Mr. Park asked as I looked down in embarrassment.

"I'm working... here." I shut my eyes and bit my lips, knowing I can't escape the situation.

"What?!" he asked in amusement unable to believe this betrayal.

"but you said, you're jobless." Mr. Park remembered.

"I only said because I know you don't accept students that work part time jobs especially full time." I burst the truth almost crying because I wouldn't be able to graduate if he kicks me out of his class.

"..." Mr. Park looked very disappointed and surprised.

"Are you gonna kick me out?" I asked lifting my head slowly.

"Pil-woo ajushiii, she's really working hard please don't kick her out. I'm sorry Dr. Kim, I didn't know you met uncle Park." Taehyung apologized.

"That's the thing," Mr. Park changed his gaze to Taehyung," I don't accept working students because they're working too hard. I kicked my student last time because she passed out a few times and failed my class because she couldn't rest well, working two shifts every damn day. Amy fooled me for the whole course, do you think I would accept her?"

"I can't just quit this job nor stop studying. I'm gonna graduate next month please give me some time." I begged, kneeling down to him.

"Look, Mr. Park. I'm sorry to get into your business but she's working hard for herself, so I don't see any problem with that. Once she graduates everything will be easier for her." Yoongi tried clearing the situation.

"What do you mean easier? It will only become a challenge for her. Do you think I don't know that you're also studying psychology secretly while making music for others saying it will help you make better music?" he looked at Yoongi before talking back to me once again.

"Working in the hospital in the morning and working on the architecture design at night is a huge problem. Do you think you have two body that you can accomplish anything. You either stop working or stop studying." he ended the sentence a little louder.

"I can't do that, I'm working here so I can pay my school tuition. It'll be useless to quit it. I don't have enough money to work this out. Please! I also need to support my family business." I pleaded as I rub my palm together harder and looking down pleadingly.

"Mr. Park, I know where this is coming from. She's nothing like Jimin so stop treating everyone like him." Yoongi argued, personalizing the argument.

"Jimin would have been dead if it weren't for you. Who will take care of her when she's the one supporting her family?" he asked curiously.

"I can take care of myself. You don't need to worry about me." I urged waving my hand in disagreement.

"Stop saying that! You're a psychologist to help others but you cant even help yourself!" Mr. Park yelled feeling a small tear drop slide on my cheeks but quickly wipe it away unable to reply to his assumption.

It wasn't just an assumption. It was a fact. It was a fact that I eat cup noodles instead of proper meal. It was a fact that I don't get enough sleep. It was a fact that I was working hard. It was a fact that no one is taking care of me because nobody cares about me. I became a psychologist because I don't want people to be like me; a selfless, lonely, unloved, unwanted supporting character in my own story.

"I- I enjoy my job. I can do it... all." I lied as I drop my butt down to the cold floor giving up the argument.

First of all, My parents wants me to be part of the medical field, so I did. I wasn't loved because I decided to part ways with them. I was that unwanted supporting character just like how every patient disobey my advices and suggestions.

"You enjoy suffering, you meant." he stated with a deep long breath as Yoongi stared at the situation feeling a small connection between them.

"You're out of my class," he said calmly as he walked out of the office leaving the two in shock. I stood up from the floor calmly announcing to my assistant to stop accepting patients and call it a day.

"Ok." she replied after the conversation calmly ended.

"Please leave the room. I'd like to have a moment alone. I apologize for the unnecessary argument, you heard." I opened the door for the two.

"I'm sorry Doc, I really didn't mean it." Taehyung apologized before going out the room.

"I-" Yoongi paused as he stopped himself from making an encouragement.

I'm here if you need someone to listen to you. Just let it out. You need to let those out before you become like me. A supporting character in my own story. Yoongi wondered as he translate the words looking through my teary eyes ready to cry into a huge waterfalls.

"Please, leave." I said blankly, avoiding eye contacts forcing the brim of my eyes to keep it from rushing down.

"Bye." he went out with worries of the infamous friend and therapist.

I closed the door slowly while I slide down behind it and hugged myself into a tight hug. I stood up and screamed in frustration, throwing everything I could find releasing my anger and tears.

"WHY! WHY DO YOU CARE? I'M LIVING MY LIFE AT THE FULLEST. ISNT THAT WHAT EVERYONE SAYS?" I screamed in between sobs as tears continuously slipped down my cheeks to my nose and lips.

I followed my dreams by climbing the mountains and walking barefooted at the muddy road leading to whatever I was chasing after. What was my dream? What is dream?


She was running so hard she didn't know what she was running after.

"Was it really my dream? Or was it people's expectation for me?"

Letting out the pain and disappointment. She kept thinking about her wrongdoings. Her care for others instead of herself. Her investment to her family business so they have budget to keep the restaurant going. She gave this small child her chocolate even if she hadn't eat anything.

It wasn't about the money or profession. It was the happiness and enjoyment. The love and support she cant receive is what she's giving. She poured all of her love emptied instead of keeping it for herself.

The selflessness she has is kindness to others, but is she even kind to herself?

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