"with me," shigaraki mumbled, and his eyes finally met the girl's. her ice blue irises gazed into his before looking away.

"yeah," she nuzzled her head against his arm more. "with you."

shigaraki hesitantly leaned his head on top of yuki's. she quickly got comfortable under his touch after her mind marked it as innocent. "what if i said," shigaraki paused to make sure he would be phrasing his words right. "that i cared about you too?"

yuki brought her finger tips to his hoodie, and reached up to fidget with the strings that tighten his hood. she left out a soft chuckle. "you've known me for four days, tomura," yuki twisted the sting in her her fingertips, the small action catching shigaraki's attention. "how much could you care about me?" she questioned with the ghost of disbelief on her tongue.

shigaraki slouched his shoulders more, this forcing the two to huddle closer together. "more than i should," he sheepishly admitted. "and i tried not to because attachment never ends well for me but I figured you'd be sticking around... so it wouldn't matter if i got attached," he looked over to her to catch the girl with her eyes shut. shigaraki lifted his head from hers and caved into his craving. he lifted his hands from his pockets and gently pushed yuki's bangs out of her eyes. "there's just something about you, and i don't want that to go away."

his confession made yuki open her eyes and lift her head from his shoulder. shigaraki's hands lingered on her skin with the exception of his pinky fingers which were delicately lifted.

"that's why you hid me," she thought aloud. "when they came to rescue us," shigaraki nodded his head, ashamed of his actions.

"you make me feel like a better person," shigaraki slowly took his hands away from her face and toward his own neck. his finger nails sunk into his fragile skin as his nerves crept up. "i don't like being a bad person and you make me feel..." he stammered, feeling his face flush in embarrassment. "you make me feel like im good."

yuki pulled his strained and scared hands away from his aching neck, and set them in his lap. "you are good," she pressed softly. shigaraki noticed the now familiar action of yuki rubbing her hands together as if to grasp for warmth. "doing bad things doesn't make you a bad person— it simply means that you've been through too much," yuki pushed her hands onto either side of shigaraki's neck. he inhaled sharply at the zapping feeling of her fingertips. "and doing bad things has become your only form of control and safety."

shigaraki hung his head as the base of his neck started to coat with a comforting heat. he let out a soft hum as the girl messaged his skin. "are you sure i can't keep you?" he whispered, his breath landing soundly on yuki's wrists. she danced her palms underneath his jaw bone where the scars were the worst. yuki then chewed on her lower lip.

"you can't keep me."

she watched as the older pouted his lip slightly. "cant i?" he frowned, his voice as soft as a murmur as comfort clouded over his mind. "i have the power here."

"im sorry, tomura," she was interrupted as shigaraki wrapped his hands around her wrists. he gently pulled them away from his neck; his skin slowly fading of heat. "im not done—"

"you don't want to stay?" the softness and gentle desperation in his voice made the girl look down at their hands. he was being needy in the moment, but perhaps it was because he had never been needed before. his want for reassurance didn't bother yuki. yuki inhaled as she thought about what her future honestly held for her. she found herself giggling. "what is it, bunny?" shigaraki asked.

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