"Yeah," he says hesitantly. He hadn't thought you could actually figure things out about him so easily but after learning that you know what you do, he fears you to such a large extent.

"Then we will stop by your apartment for meds."

Kenma just nods, his thoughts now turned towards Tetsuro and his wife. They've been trying for a kid for a few years and according to the doctor, it's a miracle that she even got pregnant. At the thought of his best friend, more like a brother, losing his wife and baby, Kenma wouldn't be able to live with himself. Especially since it would be his fault. "Y/n."

You hum in response, putting the final things into the bag. All that's left out now is clothing for tomorrow, food for the day, the hairbrush, toothpaste and two toothbrushes. You had bought the toothbrushes after a few days into staying, your teeth bothering you after eating some of the pie.

As soon as you have everything set out, you put on your clothing you usually do when you go to kill, throwing your jacket on so you can put the hood up and cover your hair. "Okay, i'll be back. Do you want me to bring some apple pie back?"

"I'm fine without," he mumbles, his eyes focused down on the floor.

You shrug and walk out, leaving Kenma to his thoughts. Kenma sits in the same spot for quite a while, just not wanting to move.

He knew you were smart but he had no idea you are this smart. It troubles him that you figured so much about those around him and apparently a lot about him within a few hours of being gone. It's terrifying but interesting.

It's not every day that he has anxiety attacks if not taking his medicine but it is quite often compared to others.

As you're gone, he thinks about anything he could say that would hint at you being such a bad person but can't come up with anything. You're smart... Too smart. Kenma's smart too but the fact that you can match him in such a way causes a battle within his mind. He struggles to come up with any way of escaping, so until he does, he's stuck with your psychotic ass.

Although this is his conclusion, he does continue to think about what he can do until you come back. You open the door, walking into the hideout with blood splattered in your face and your breathing heavy. "Shit"

"Almost caught?" Kenma asks with an amused look on his face. He hadn't seen you come back like this yet so he finds it interesting how worked up you look.

"Yeah. The fucking kids woke up too early. Stupid ass father thought it was a good idea to scream when I killed his wife. Stupid ass is dead now."

"I've already told you I don't want to hear the details," Kenma mutters.

You raise a brow. "Are you really a cop? How do you even solve cases if you don't hear about them?"

He sighs and glares daggers at you as he spits back, "It's a lot easier when I'm not stuck spending time with the so-called murderer."

You just shrug and grab a rag from the bag. "Whatever. Anyway, i'm going to clean up a bit. Be back." He hums in response, pulling out his switch as you head out.

It's ten minutes later when you come back inside with the blood gone from your face. "We're leaving early," you state, pulling your clothing from your bag.

Kenma immediately looks up from his game, not caring for what happens to it as he lets the switch fall onto the bed. "What? Why?"

You stop and turn to him. "Because I accidentally stepped in blood and it could lead them this way if they catch sight of it," you tell him.

"Of course you did..."

You ignore his comment and hold a black shirt with a single rose on it up from the bag. "If you were to have a girlfriend, would you want her to wear this."

"What kind of question is that?"

You sigh and continue digging through the bag. "I have to make sure I look like someone you would date if I want Tetsuro to believe that I am your girlfriend."

"I've never really cared what my girlfriends have worn in the past. Wear whatever you want," he replies, turning his body away from you.

You groan and walk over to him, leaning over to where you are upside down, looking at him. "Come on Kenma. Help me!"


"Why not?"

"Maybe because I'd actually like Tetsuro to know due to the fact that you keep me here against my own will."

You stand up and he turns around as you respond. "Technically, you choose to stay rather than die, so it is your own will to stay with me." With a groan, you walk back over to the bag and pull out the clothing that is still clean, looking at them.

Kenma watches in amusement for a moment before growing tired of seeing you struggle. With a sigh, he gets up from the bed and walks over to you. "Just stop."

"What are yo-" You stop talking when you see him looking over the shirts laid out, the look on his face focused.

He grabs a f/c shirt, an image of Chucky with a bloody knife in his hands on the shirt. Your eyebrows raise at his choice, the shirt not the one you would have thought he'd choose. The shirt is handed to you before he walks over to the bag and digs through it, a black pair of ripped jeans being pulled out.

He holds them out to you. "There. Now stop worrying and change."

"Thanks...?" you reply, watching as he walks over to the bed and turns towards the wall so you can change without having someone's eyes on your body. It's a slight routine that has begun for the days that the two of you don't bathe, although not perfected, it works.

Neither of you want to be pervs and look at one another's body so it's something that you had silently agreed upon when one changes.

You quickly change, throwing your dirty clothes into the other bag, hoping to be able to clean them once you find your next place to stay. Kenma had changed earlier in the morning so he just slides his shoes on and gets his games together, not sure how you go about all of this.

It doesn't take a whole lot of time for both of you to be completely ready, the hideout fixed as if no one was there for a while. Your boots have been cleaned when you cleaned your other clothing and you walk out of the hideout, your knife in your back pocket in case you need it.

You begin to head to the woods, the sound of footsteps catching your attention. You quickly turn your head in the direction of the footsteps, grabbing your knife from your back pocket. The sight of a young girl, perhaps the age of a child in kindergarten makes you relax but the grip on your knife doesn't loosen.


I hope the chapter was Enjoyable~!!!

What you gonna do bout the girl and Kenma's attitude 🥴🥴

Any Thoughts?!?


Killer Love [Kenma Kozume x Reader]✔️Where stories live. Discover now