"Rain, Look-" my eyes widen and he goes to say something else but i block my ears from hearing.

"NO, DON'T SAY IT, PLease-"

"I'M NOT LETTING YOU GO!" He growls loudly, annoyed i cut him off. i pant uneven breaths as he had hold of my wrists, again causing me pain. but.....i deserve it- he looks down to my wrists and instantly lets go, "Shit-i'm sorry-" 

i look to my wrists, "it confuses me when you apologise for hurting me." i whisper to him, "but then i remember everything you keep telling me and i....i really think i'm learning, Sir......but i think i've also learnt to be selfish." he sighs, "And i will be selfish with you sir, i don't care if i get punished for this no more, because leaving you....being abondoned by you is my greatest fear and that would be punishment for being born-" he looks into my eyes, "if you ever try abandon me, Master Wrath, i'll use these cuffs and chain myself to your bed post so i'll get to spend every night by your side." i say darkly. my heart beating so fast....."Your MINE!" I say firmly. he looks down at me in so much shock.

"well then, it's settled isn't it?" he asks. i blink away my sudden darkness and look up to him confused and curious, "guess theres no way of getting rid of you now, nothing i do will work-" so.....he does want to get rid of me?.......NO!

"No!" i say firmly.

"oh well, i'll just have to put up with you then-" he then picks me up and hugs me so quick i gasp. he holds me so tight, so warmly, "STOP THINKING THIS WAY!" He growls furiously into my ear making me flinch.....h...he's.....he's scaring me........"I'm. not. LEAVING!" He snaps, he grabs my shoulders and looks dead into my eyes. but his eyes are soft.....they look kind of sad, "I'm not your fucking Master, he's some asshole that beat the crap out of you, traumatised you and burned himself so deep into your mind, body and soul that you believed everything he said!" he snaps, "I'm here to LOVE YOU!" he shouts, "I'm here to keep you by my FUCKING Side and NEVER let you go, you think you can be selfish and possessive and over protective and psychoticly atatched to me? Well guess fucking what? if you even try to leave my side or THINK to leave my side, i'm worse then your fucking Master, because i don't drop people like some dog shit, i keep them, i want them, i NEED YOU!" i tear up...his words hitting me so hard, "I'm never going to abandon you because your not some fucking PET, your My MATE that means we're bound for life-" i squeak when he suddenly slams me up against the wall, however does it in a way that gives me no pain, "I'll mark every spot on your body so that whenever you look to yourself youll be reminded your mine, Not his, NOT ANYONES, your MINE and i'm never going to leave you!" He says firmly. now theirs tears streaming down my face......

he's not leaving me? h......he's never going to abandon......"really-" i whisper. but then he groans in frustration and steps away.

"REALLY REALLY REALLY FUCKING REALLy-" i grip hold of him and hold onto him so tightly. 

"I love you!" i whimper, "I LOVE YOU- I LOVE YOU- I LOOOOOVEEEE YOOUUU!" i scream with all my might. i go to my knees and hug his shins. he sighs. leans down and picks me up. he rises me into the air before placing me down on his shoulders. his hair.....i ruffle it up completely and giggle at the face he makes, "i love your hair-" i say sweetly. i then move my hands to his ears, "i love your ears-" i touch his nose, "i love your nose-" i continue to move over him, "i love your eyes-" i lean right over his head, "i love your lips-" i kiss him upside down before lifting up to reach eye contact, "but most of all, i love your heart, your mind and your personality-" i say to him, his eyes glistening while watching me, "because no matter how much of a meanie you can be....you know what you love and you know how to love it, I love how smart you are and how you always know how to care for me, i love how comfortable you make me feel and the confidence you give me-" i smile, "i think July was right, Master Wrath." he raises a brow, "i think i do have a crush on you." i whisper before connecting our lips again, still upside down, but still good. 

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