"i want Attention too!" i wine, making grabby hands, but yelp when i am suddenly dragged backwards. 

"NOT from them!" 

"Is their a problem, Wrath?" i look up to see the head mistress. lookin between me and Master Wrath. i blush slightly as Wrath places me back on my feed.

"No, everything's fine." he says firmly. the teacher nods and walks over to Nic and Jess, she poors cold water over them making them jolt. 

"Get-" I gasp, my attention being yanked from what she was about to say. my eyes widen when i look down at the ground getting further and further away. my breathing deepens and i begin to squeak out breaths in fear before going to scream. but a hand, a very warm hand is placed over my mouth, blocking it all.

"Shut up." he says and i look up to see Wrath, he's flying with me. i let out a sob as i wrap my arms around him.

"i'm scared." i whimper, but he continues to fly higher and higher, "Wrath, please, i'll be good. i'll stop asking for Attention!" i beg and plea to be let down to the ground, what if he drops me? WHAT IF HE DROPS ME? ibegin to shake and tremble, gripping onto him harder and harder, "D-d-don't-don't please--" my breathing gets even tighter before i find i....i can't actually breath......thier's no oxygen. i grip my throat. Wrath is looking up to see where he's going, oblivious to the face i'm unable to breath AT ALL. "rhth-" i can't speak to warn him. my body gets weak, my blood rushing in my ears with my heart beat. my head begins to pulsate and my whole body slowly becomes numb until something weird happens. i feel like i'm dropped...but...i'm still in his arms. 

i start to get really dizy from the lack of oxygen. my lungs feel like thier closing up, my blood slowing down. it hurts. everything flashes black. our surroundings going dead, no colour before things brighten again. i feel the breaze......but i can't take it in. the ability to take oxygen in, to breath has left me. 

he sighs before looking down to me, "welcome to-" he stops when he notices i'm not at all breathing. i've got tears in my eyes, "Rain?" he sets me down to the floor, "w-why aren't you brea-" he stops, then looks down at me in utter distraut, "uh-um-" he grips his hair in panic. i've never seen him panic like this..........

i blink, feeling his lips against mine as he tilts my head back and blocks my nose, pushing air down my throat. he continues to do it a few times until i begin to caugh, gasping. i wine at the pain and begin to cry, "it's okay-it's okay-" he hugs my head to his chest, "i'm so sorry, i didn't realise, i didn't realise." he whimpers and holds me tightly. i pant wildly.

"e-everything hurts." i croak out before passing out in his arms. 

Wrath's Pov

I'm so fucking STUPID. how could i not realise that my MATE wasn't fucking BREATHING! i pick him up and boost myself to the castle. bursting through, allerting each of the guards in the palace. they instantly hold their weapons up at the sight of me in my state until one of the princes just so happens to walk through and see us, "Stand down!" He calls, rushing over. 

"h-i-i didn't know-i-i thought he could still breath but-but he-"

"Damn, kid important?" he smirks, "GOOD!" he snaps his fists down onto my head, "BOUT TIME!" He snaps at me before kicking me down the hall.

"I'm only letting you get away with this because my mate is in my arms just so you know!" I warn and he nods.

"i know, that's why i'm taking this moment, your one scary son of a bitch, but now your not scar-" i open my jaws, barely take a breath, snap out of human form and give the loudest, fiercest raw i could. stopping when i hear a gasp. he panicks slightly, but i calm him.

"It's oka-" 

"MOVE!" he kicks me again, only for Rain to snarl and growl, "awe, how adorable." i smirk when i watch him go to pet Rain's head while he's currently in territorial, over protective, pissed off, Rogue mode. "AAAAAAAAAAH YOU BITCH, GET OFF! GET OFF! WRATH, GET HIM OFF!" i laugh, watching Rains jaws get tighter and tighter. i'm not surprised, his bites hurt. to say he's so innocent and small, he fucking knows how to use what he's got. i pull him tighter into my arms and kiss the side of his head. his teeth let go of the man and he gasps in shock.

"Oh no-"

"it's okay, he deserved it." i hum. he looks up to me with tears in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Master Wrath, but he kicked you and tried to touch me, i'm yours, please don't be angry at me." he whimpers, rubbing himself against me. he does it to get comfortable or to try and get closer. but he doesn't realise that it's a way of marking someone. he's rubbing his scent into me as well and rubbing my scent into his fur. he's staking claim without even knowing it. 

"i said it's okay, Rain." i say clearer to him. he looks up to me with pleading eyes.

"I'm sorry for being a bad boy lately, but mating season lasts till february and i really wouldn't want to act like a desperate whore till then." he simply explains. yet somehow, i just can't keep a straight face at his innocent mouth saying such colourful language. i laugh at it.

"it's okay, baby, we'll sort that soon." BABY? did i just call him.....BABY?!!! oh god...i'm going insane.

"Hay, what about me-" i snarl and snap at him.

"i'll see you in about two hours to discuss the gathering." i say with a fiersom glare. he nods quickly.

"YES Master" he smirks, i glare.

"That's not my choice-"

"YEah, whatever you say, Master Wra-AAATH!" he screams when i light one of his feathers on fire. he puts it out before it can do damage, but it still stung. he glares before stubbornly spinning around and storming off. 

"i'm sorry if i've caused you some trouble, Master Wra-i mean...Wrath." he says, sounding slightly more insecure about how he likes to call me. i glare down at him.

"you ignore him. if you like calling me Master Wrath, you can if you want. i don't care if you call me Watermelon, as long as you want to call me that." i say firmly to him making him blush before something in the sentance catches his attention, making him giggle.

"Watermelon? what's that?!" he laughs at the funny word to his ears. i stop walking and just look down at him. his smile drops and his ears drop backwards indicating he's scared of my reaction.

"you've never tried watermelon?" he whimpers in shame, "how about Melon?" I ask and he begins to sniffle. but i hug him tighter. i didn't mean to upset him.......he's so damn sensetive......but i sure as hell love his fucking sensetivity! huh.....now theres a funny word...


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