"July!?" his voice is so mean and angry, kind of like masters. which makes me thrash and panic more, running wea and out of breath.

"i-i gave him food-"

"what?!" he asks in confusion and annoyance as i don't stop moving in his arms.

"i brought him in a tray of food-" he comes over to try and help, "he tried to feed me, then started explaining about that fucking psycho so i put food in his mouth-" i shake my head.

"no-no-no-i'm sorry-" i cry and sob.

"he reminded me of a savage animal, he bit me when i tried to comfort him while he practically threw food into his mouth." he says, grunting now and again as he tries, "no one is going to hurt you, Rain!" he shouts over my screams and now some others looking to see what's happening.

"Please-" i beg, "i-i didn't-i didn't mean to-" i cry out of breath, forcing words out through tears as i go limp in the overly warm arms, my arms just falling as i cry histerrically.

"it's okay, Petal, you are okay, i am okay, i'm stronger then a bite to the hand, Bow." he softly says as a hand brushes through my hair.

"is everything okay?" i hear a woman say, to which i begin to move again.

"No-no-no-no-no-no-no-" i repeat over and over and over again, hearing the chains distantly. it hurts, everything hurts as i gasp for breath, feeling, not just seeing the darkness, the knives, the cuts, the bruises, his smile while- my mind goes completely blank.....what just happened?! i feel myself shaking, the warmth pulling away as i am placed on my side, my hands and legs shaking, my breathing shortes, my heart....i sware it's going to rip from my ribs, my back, legs, neck, it's all dripping wet with sweat while my mouth is a paper dry.

before it all stops. i lay there panting for breath after my arms and legs freaking out on me. my head officially feels like it's going to explode when a hand is placed on my arm, my body jolts as i look with my eyes, barely daring to turn my head as i see Wrath crouched, "breath-" he says carefully, i see panic and worry in his eyes, "breath, Rain." he says, i hear his heart beating. July is on my other side, which i flinch my head to look at him. theirs something in his hand that he quickly hides from view before Wrath turns my head back to him, looking me dead in the eyes, "focus on me, Rain." his voice shakes slightly when he says my name....he's got pretty eyes, his lips are pretty too, even his nose is pretty. i tilt my head slightly, looking over his fare skin, the unshaved skin of his jaw.

"i think he's caught something he likes." i hear someone mutter, i look up to his hair and it's neat apart from the few stray strands that i can't help but smile at as i reach up to his hair, i touch it, feeling the smoothness......before i ruffle and mess it up completely.

"what are you doing?" he says, obviously trying his best to stay calm, i let my hands down and look over him in awe.

"pretty." i whisper, i reach my hands up to his ears, then his cheek bones, then his chin.

"do you mind?" he asks and i connect our eyes, his pupils get smaller, his iris darkens only slight.

"i'm sorry." i whisper as i look to his now messy, spiky hair.

"your sedated." he whispers.

"actually, i haven't sedated him yet." July cuts him off and i look to July, seeing the needle. he pales as my eyes widen, i push away, but only pressing into Wrath as he holds me secure in his strong hold, i hide my face, no longer in a panic, "no, its okay, we don't need to use this anymore because you've calmed down-" he says and i feel his hand touch my head, making me jump and gasp, but he begins to run his hand over my head itching slightly in small circles when he reaches a spot that makes me shudder and grip Wrath's shirt, my leg kicking out and for life to be brought to every plant around as i hum, relaxing at whatever he's doing, "do you like that?" he smiles, i hum, leaning into him.

"is this the new student?" i hear someone ask and i jolt away from July's hand, headbutting Wraths rock chest. i whimper and hold my head.

"oh, careful." July rubs my head.

 i look up to see a woman stood their, she has ginger hair and gold eyes, "what a pretty boy." she smiles, reaching out to touch my head. i cower slightly, but her eyes shine before going dark when they touch my head. i take deep breaths when she pulls away. "oh-" she whispers, terror on her face, her eyes go glossy before tears stream.

"i'm sorry-" i whisper, she shakes her head.

"that's so sad." she cries and pulls me to her chest, well....Wrath doesn't let go so she just comes to me instead. i hum.

"i like hugs." i hum.

"what happened to you?" she asks and i hum.

"i can't explain everything today." i say sadly, "but if you give me a bit of time i'd be able to answer your question for you." i suggest to her and she sobs.

"it's okay, poor child." she says before she is pulled away from me. i look up at her being dragged and hugged at the same time by another woman. this one with a light brown hair. 

"so many people." i whisper to myself, realising just how many people watching me, i look to them all, all different face, non the same, all exactly different. different eyes, lips, face, skin, hair, height, everything. 

but non as good as Wrath. i look up to him, then to everyone else again. then i hear him huff, "right, i'm leaving." he grumbles and stands up. putting me on my feet before turning around and bluntly leaving. i watch him as he leaves. he's deffinatly tall...and strong...and-

"does someone have a crush?" i hear July whisper after he nudges me lightly. i look up to him.

"what do you mean? i-i don't think i've crushed anything." i look under my feet and then around me.

"no, you like Wrath." he laughs and i look up to him.

"um, yes, he helps me sometimes, but he can be a big scary." i say simply to him and he looks at me.

"i'm starting to think your mind is behind your body." Hail pops up and says. i look to him, "he means like him in a romantic way, like, you want to be with him, do things with him, hold hands with him, kiss him, go on dates with him." he says and my eyes widen.

"No, last time i did those things was with master and he turned out bad but-" i look back to where Wrath walked off to, "master was the one who wanted those things, i went along because-because i had nothing else to do and didn't think of the out come-" i hum, thinking, "master was nice, then turned mean, so if-if Wrath is-is mean now, does that mean he'll turn nice the more he's with me?" i ask in curiousity, but my eyes widen when i remember the fear, i shake my head, "no-no-no, i don't like him, relasionships are bad, i don't need two masters, i can barely cope with one." i huff before realising what i just said and i gasp. "no-i didn't mean to say that, bad me talked, bad me, not me, bad-bad-bad-" they look surprised.

"no, bad you isn't bad you it's you, it's the you that isn't manipulated, bluebell." July says with a smile, i gulp and blush, looking down.

"don't tell master, please." i whisper in fear. but he sighs.

"it's okay, you can trust me-and that's not like master, it's like how i've treated you, master broke your trust, but you can trust me, you can trust us, all of us teachers here, we won't hurt you, and if one does, you go tell Wrath or me or Hail and we will sort it out for you." he smiles, i look at him, then blink a few times.

"how about you go get him some proper clothes?" Hail suggests and i look to him.

"Oh, right, you also have your first lesson in two hours, not so lucky you, you have Wrath after, hopfully he'll leave you alone and not pick on you." he says, taking my hand and pulling me along. i omph at the sudden movement, the stretch of my skin around my chains is always uncomfortable, but good enough.

Chainsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें