Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ Fɪᴠᴇ

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𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝙵𝚘𝚞𝚛
𝚜𝚞𝚙𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚙𝚢

"Will didn't want us to tell anyone but on Halloween night, he saw this shadow in the sky." Mike explained.  Genie shuddered at the memory.

"A shadow?  What kind of shadow?" Lucas asked.

"A big fucking spider." Genie said, her eyes still trained on the table.

"We aren't sure what it is but it scared Will." Mike ignored the girl, "And if Will really has true sight-"

"Then the spider thing is actually real and we're all as good as dead." Interrupted Genie. Dustin and Lucas exchanged alarmed looks while Mike facepalmed.

"Genie! We're gonna be fine."

"No, Mike! You didn't see that thing! It's really big and really scary." She shot him a glare which he returned with an apologetic look. The three boys knew Genie and Will had survived some tough shit so they didn't argue when the former started to panic.

Neither panicked as much as would be expected. Genie tried to keep a brave face on and Will just wanted to feel normal. Every now and then, though, Genie would let out her bottled up feelings and the boys just let her do so, for her sake.

Genie blinked away the small puddle of tears pooling in her eyes and restored her composure.  "Sorry.  It's just, Will saw the shadow again yesterday but this time wasn't like other times.  It attacked him, surrounded him..."

It broke her friend's hearts to hear the shake in their usually fearless friend's voice.

"So that's why he was frozen like that?" Dustin asked quietly. Genie nodded and ground her teeth against her bottom lip.

"Can it..hurt him? If this shadow monster isn't from our realm?"

"We don't know." Mike shrugged, "Dustin?"

"Well we're in another plane so, theoretically, no the shadow can't hurt him." Dustin took what he knew of d&d.

"He seemed pretty hurt to me." Genie breathed.

"So what do we do?"

"We acquire more knowledge.  Genie and I are going to Will's after school to see what's going on.  You two stay here and find Dart." Mike instructed.

Dustin knit his brows, "What's Dart got to do with anything?"

"Will heard him in the Upside Down. Th-"

"There's like a ninety percent chance your new 'pet' is a psycho demon thing that wants to kill us and eat us alive." Genie cut in. Mike scowled at her.

"Please stop interrupting me!"

School seemed to drag on.  Max was still a bit ticked off about not being able to listen in on the private conversations between the party members.

Genie waited impatiently for the final bell to ring.  She wanted to see Will again and figure out what was wrong with him.

When the time came for Mike and Genie to bike to Will's she was practically crawling in her skin.

They arrived at Will's house and stood nervously on the porch.

"You ready?" Mike asked.  They both knew whatever was in store for them on the other side of the door wasn't your typical head cold or stomach flu.  Will was far more sick than that.

"As ready as I'll ever be." Genie exhaled slowly as Mike raised a fist to knock on the door.

It took a moment but Joyce had soon opened the door.

"Hi, Ms Byers." Genie gave her a small smile.

"Hi, Genie, Mike." She greeted them both wth a nod of her head.

"Is Will here?" Mike asked.  He was trying to get to the point.

"You know what, now isn't really a good time." Joyce said, glancing briefly back into the house.

"Is he okay?" Genie asked, lacing her words with unnecessary amounts of concern.  Or perhaps not enough concern, nobody really knew at that point.

"Yeah, he's not feeling very well. He's lying down, I'll tell him you guys stopped by, 'kay?" Joyce went to close the door. She looked as though she was in a hurry.

"It's about the shadow monster, isn't it." Mike stopped her. Joyce creaked the door back opened looking shocked. She quickly ushered the two inside, hopefully to further explain the situation.


"It's like I feel what the shadow monster is feeling...see what he's seeing." Will's voice was wobbly and low as he explained his condition to his friends.  Mike wandered around his room, inspecting the pictures on the walls while Genie sat beside him and held his hand in hers.

"Like in the Upside Down?" Mike questioned, stopping to glance back at Will and Genie.

"Some of him is there. Some of him is here too." Will continued.

"Here, like in this house?" Mike asked.

"In this house and...in me." His voice cracked and Genie gave his hand a reassuring squeeze, "It's like he's spreading through Hawkins more and the more he spreads the more connected I feel..."

"The more you have these now memories." Mike finished for him.  The now memories were a feeling Will got when he felt like he remembered something but it hadn't yet happened or it belonged to someone else.

"At first I just felt it in the back of my head, I didn't even know it was there." Will sniffled, "It's like when you have a dream and you can't remember it unless you think really hard.  That's what it was like. But now it remember. I remember all the time."

Will broke off into a single small sob glancing helplessly at Genie. Her heart broke at the sound of his scared voice. There was nothing she could to do help him at that moment but be there for him.

"Maybe this is a good thing." Mike's voice was awfully light and cheerful.

"Good?" Will knit his brows in confusion.

"Well, just think about it, Will.  You're like a spy now, a super spy, spying on the shadow monster. If you know what it's seeing and feeling maybe that's how we stop it." Mike explained.

A small smile made it's way onto Genie face and she was glad to see one on Will's as well.

"Yeah, I agree with Mike.  Let's take down this spider bitch."

⋇⋆✦⋆⋇  ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇

Ahh officially chapter 25!!!!! I haven't gotten this far in a fanfic in a loooong time so this is really exciting for me.

Technically it's chapter 23 cuz of the disclaimer and another part that I use to write down ideas but yeah, you get the point.

Ok see you in chapter six <3

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