Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ Oɴᴇ

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𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝙵𝚘𝚞𝚛
𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚒𝚍𝚎

"I'm worried about Will, over." Mike's voice was crackly on the supercomm beside Genie's bed.  She was trying to ignore them but it was difficult seeing as they didn't stop talking.

"Me too.  This is crazy, over." Lucas spoke.

"Yeah, it is." Genie gave in, picking up the supercomm.

"I just thought of something. Over" Mike scoffed.

"What is it?  Over." Lucas asked.

"Will could've cast protection last night but he didn't.  Over."

"What's your point? Over." Lucas asked.

"He means, Will put himself in danger to help the party instead of protecting himself...oh over." Genie explained, thoughts churning in her brain.

"Meet me at Mirkwood in ten.  Over and out." Mike left and the other three quickly followed suit.

Genie grabbed the blue windbreaker that hung on the back of her chair and slipped it over her arms

"Where are you going?" She heard her mom calling from somewhere inside the house.

"Mike's!" Genie shouted.

"Alright, you kids have fun. Be home before nine!"

Genie had a backpack of stuff and her headlamp was resting securely on her head.

She biked quickly down the road, the sky grey from clouds.  Meeting up with the other three not long after, together they rode down Mirkwood.

Genie felt a drop of water hit her on the forehead and she glanced up at the dark, menacing clouds.  The rain wasn't falling quickly yet meaning they had some time before they were drenched.

"Oh man, this is it." Lucas sounded scared as they came to a stop in front of the yellow barrier of police tape.

Another few droplets fell, landing on Genie's arm, sliding smoothly off the waterproof fabric.

"Hey, guys, you feel that?" Dustin grabbed their attention, wiping a large raindrop from the side of his face, "I think we should head back.

"No." Mike snapped. "We're not going back, just stay close."

Genie parked her bike alongside the boys' and stared into the mysterious forest surrounding Will's house.  Whatever awaited them there, Genie didn't plan on encountering.

A rush of fear poured through her, making Genie wince.  A light stream of blood trickled from her nose and she wiped it away before the boys could notice.  Something was happening to her.

"Don't do anything stupid." Lucas whispered to her, bringing her back to reality.

"Why-" Genie stopped at the sound of her voice cracking and tried again, "Why are you telling me?"

"Because you're an idiot."

Genie rolled her eyes as she ducked under the tape and started trudging through the trees. Water droplets dripped off the leaves above and crashed onto their heads. Genie was in front with her headlamp illuminating the trail ahead.

The sound of thunder and heavy rain almost blocked out the words being said by the boys behind her. Before she knew it, Genie was wandering off on her own. She couldn't hear her name being shouted by her friends or the excessive cursing. She was drawn in one direction by the weird fear enveloping her senses. The weird, yet familiar fear.

The rain fell harder now, sticking Genie's hair to the sides of her face. She hastily brushed it away and kept walking, occasionally tripping over a stray rock, root or branch.

A trickle of red trailed over Genie's lips, the metallic taste making her spit in disgust. She kept walking forward. Thunder clapped in the distance but no lightening shone through the lush leaves of the forest.

Genie kept walking until she came across a bush. She was much deeper in the forest now, unsure of which way she'd come from in the first place. The fear grew strong as she approached the bush, crouching down to examine it. This bush was different from the ones surrounding it.

Curiosity got the best of her and Genie crawled on her hands and knees through the bush and—to her surprise— out the other side.

⋇⋆✦⋆⋇  ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇

I am really sorry for the short chapter!

Can I just say I am so excited to write S2, I have so many plans!!

Also this is really random but—hold on my mom is listening to Umbrella and I must dance 💃🥐—ok im back um this is random but why must adults always say "how you making out?" Me, my friend and my other friend are all girls and we were talking with one of the boys in my class the teacher came in and said "*his name*, how you making out with the girls." JAFAJAKSKSJ

Oh and td my two best friends April Fools pranks me into thinking they were a secret lesbian couple who got in a fight and were breaking up lmao. My dumbass forgot it was April fools day so I was just like 😅 the whole time

Someone just called me a fOrEiGn ClOwN because I misspelled definitely lmao. I'm Canadian 😃🖕 (it's on my board lol)

Ok, see you in chapter two <3


..as you were.

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