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𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝙾𝚗𝚎

Genie was sent to her room—if you could even call it that—shortly after her tattoo was finished. The skin where the needle touched still stung and Genie winced whenever she would touch it.

Her tattoo matched her scar that still hadn't turned to a normal white colour. The two black marks stood out against her honey skin very defiantly.

She sat in the corner of that cold closet and traced her fingers along with the markings on the wall. They seemed to be drawings of some sort. She could probably bust out of here if she wanted but she was too exhausted. These bad people made sure to never let her regenerate her energy unless they needed her or had control over her. It was horrible. She just wished Will was alright.

He wasn't, alone in the Upside Down. Will wondered if Genie would ever come back. He wondered if he'd just imagined her. When she disappeared, all the fear of being lost and alone came back to him and forced him into Castle Byers. But Genie didn't know this so all she could do was hope for the best.

When the large men returned to her door in the morning after she'd woke up, she didn't stand.  She didn't want to meet them nor did she want to participate in any of the tests they were running around here. She didn't want to be some lab rat.

"Come, Twelve," Brenner demanded.

"How about you get your head out of your ass and take me home." She mumbled as the large men dragged her to her feet.  Brenner ignored her comment with a bittersweet smile stretched across his face.

"We have lots of work to do today, Twelve."

"Don't call me that, asshat." She snapped, letting her feet drag along the floor as the large men carried her behind Brenner. He turned and glared at the girl.

"That is enough of your rude commentary, Genevieve." His voice was calm and that almost made it scarier. Genie didn't show she was afraid, though. She just glared back, pure hatred filling her every sense.

They dragged her to a room with a single-window at the front and a table inside with two chairs. Genie was sat in one of the chairs, her hands shackled to it almost immediately. It's as if they didn't trust her!

"Now, I want to know the full extent of your abilities," Brenner said coolly. Genie almost laughed.

"I don't even know that shit." She raised her eyebrows challengingly. She honestly didn't care if they killed her at this point. Everyone probably already thought she was dead.

"This always helped my last patient focus, maybe it will do the same for you." Brenner casually flicked a switch on a nearby machine and white noise filled the room. Genie frowned.

"Isn't this for babies?"

"No, Genevieve. Close your eyes, now." Brenner instructed. Genie did as she was told just for the sake of it. Maybe this psychopath could actually do some good. She'd stay long enough to learn to control her powers then she'd go find Will if the others hadn't already. "Now, I want you to listen closely and tell me who you hear."

Genie obeyed, again. She didn't hear anything for about thirty seconds. Then, "Genie, where did you go?" came into her head. The voice was soft, just a whimper. The voice was quiet and scared. The voice belonged to Will.

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