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𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝙵𝚘𝚞𝚛

Genie awoke in a hospital bed with no recollection of how or when she arrived there.  The lighting in the room was dim and she could make out a few dark figures standing around her bed.

She squinted her eyes and propped herself up on her elbows.  She nervously gnawed on her bottom lip as her arms shook.

"Genie?" A voice on her left said. She blinked a few times and Steve came into focus. He was leaning against her bed with a concerned look in his face. "Genie! She's awake!"

"Yeah, I'm awake." Genie groaned as Steve squeezed her in a hug. Her parents hurried forward, eager to see their little girl.

The coos of relief from her family blurred together in her head as she thought back to what happened in the days previous.

It all came back in an instant and Genie shot upright. "Will."

She threw the blankets off of herself and swung her legs onto the ground. Moments after standing up, she fell back on the bed.

"Hey, hey, be careful. You just woke up." Steve knelt down in front of her, his forehead creased in concern.

Genie shook her head and pushed herself up again, stumbling to the door. Her family didn't stop her. Instead, they helped her wobble down the hall to the room where her friends stood surrounding Will.

When they reached the room, Genie smiled at the group of boys all chattering over each other about what had happened while Will was gone.

"Hey, losers, do I get a hug?" She chuckled. All four boys looked up and her and smiled as she managed to walk over to them without her brother's help.

"Genie! You're okay!" Mike was the first to embrace her, then Dustin, then Lucas, then she bent down and gently hugged Will.

"I was so worried about you and I am so so so sorry about leaving you there." Genie said sincerely, pulling away from the hug. Will looked up at her, still smiling.

"It's alright. We both made it out alive like you promised." He was so cheerful despite just being pulled out of an actual pit of despair.  "Where did you go, anyway?"

A chill ran down Genie's spine as she thought about the lab.  Instead of saying anything, she shook her head and smiled weakly, "Nowhere important."

The boys didn't push her any further.  They knew she probably didn't want to talk about what had just happened.

"Where's Eleven?" Genie blurted, whirling around to face the group behind her.  Dustin and Lucas's eyes grew wide while Mike's gaze shifted to the floor.

"She's...gone." Lucas said softly.  Eyeing Mike, Genie put the pieces together herself.

"Oh.  I'm sorry." She awkwardly patted the raven-haired boy on the shoulder.  Mike shook his head but didn't say anything.

They all knew about her knowledge of El. They heard proof of it not long before so they didn't question her.

"Well..." Dustin broke the silence, "We were just telling Will all about what happened while the two of you were gone."

"Yeah, it was insane." Lucas added.  Genie sat on the edge of Will's bed and smiled up at them.

"I expect to hear about it all."

The boys told the long, exciting story of how they eventually found their missing friends.  Genie and Will listened with anticipation the whole time.

"No way, Jennifer Hayes cried at Will's funeral?" Genie gaped, looking at said friend and laughing.  The boys nodded eagerly.

"Yeah, and yours." Lucas snickered.  Genie snorted.

"How could I have a funeral- wait did Brenner send out a fake body for me too?!" Her jaw dropped.  When did Brenner even have time to do that?

The three boys nodded with amused looks on their faces.  "Sent it sailing along the quarry with Will's."

Genie shivered at the thought.  She and Will would be like the dead kids walking.  How strange.

"That's freaky." She muttered.

"Who's Eleven?" Will asked from his bed.

"Oh, she's a friend we made, she killed the Demogorgon." Mike grinned from ear to ear. Genie could tell he really liked El.

"She's practically a wizard."

"She flipped a van with her mind!"

Genie and Will listened intently to the rest of the stories from their friends, eager to know what they missed.


The five kids sat around the table once again. Snow was falling faintly outside. Christmas was just around the corner.

So far, the campaign had been pretty much the same as previous campaigns.

"Will! Your action!" Mike exclaimed, turning dramatically to his friend who immediately looked to Lucas and Dustin. Lucas was already proposing a fireball while Dustin silently smirked.

"Fireball the son of a bitch." He nodded at Will. A grin spread across the smaller boy's face and he rolled the die enthusiastically, hoping for a thirteen.

Genie laughed at their excitement. It made her happy to see her best friends happy.

⋇⋆✦⋆⋇  ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇

There you have it folks, S1 is complete.

I feel like the whole season was super crappy so sorry bout that lol


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