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𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝙵𝚒𝚟𝚎

"Genevieve Harrington." The voice started. Genie looked around, confused. "You must follow my directions if you want to escape that place."

At this, her eyes lit up. She was going home.

"Wait! I need to get my friend, Will." She turned to run back to Castle Byers but the voice stopped her.

"No. Just you."

"I'm not leaving Will." Genie said stubbornly. She heard the voice huff and go silent before it responded.

"We have you're little friend located. If you don't come with us now, we'll kill him."

"Could you be more specific?" She tried stalling though she knew nothing was coming to save her from this dilemma.

"Young Mr...Wheeler? Wheeler. And the other ones, I suppose, they're always together, are they not?" It seemed the voice was talking to someone else.

Genie gasped. "Mike." She murmured. She glanced skeptically back in the direction of Castle Byers where Will was. If he came back and she was nowhere to be found, what would he think? Then again, if she didn't go with the voice, Mike would die too. If she escaped this place maybe she'd be able to help them get Will out too.

So, she hesitantly decided to listen to the ominous voice. "Give me the directions." She tried her best to follow the directions given while avoiding the flowerheads at the same time. She didn't want another run in with one.

She trekked through the darkness for a long time going seemingly nowhere. Her legs ached and the voice was starting to get annoying.

"Yes, you're almost there." It said. It felt as if it were speaking directly in her ear.

Time passed slowly as she walked through that dreaded wasteland. She wondered if Will was looking for her or if he figured she'd just abandoned him.

Finally, after what felt like hours of dragging her feet along the ground, Genie made it this odd...thing. There wasn't really any other way to describe it. It was like a tear in the air before her, a rip in the atmosphere itself. It was stringy and purple.

"Crawl through."

Genie took a deep breath and held it because she figured she wouldn't want to breath in there. Then she dived in head first.

It was gooey and gross inside the tear. When she finally pulled herself out, though, it was normal again. Not her recent normal, the normal before all this crazy shit happened.

She tumbled to the ground, gasping for air. Her lungs burned, adjusting to this new oxygen. "Where am I?" She managed, pushing herself to her feet. She was in a room with one big window in front of her. There were many men in large white coats whispering excitedly to each other.

"Excuse me?" Genie walked up to the window and slammed her fist against it. "Hello?"

They turned their attention to her and a door swung open. Someone in a hazmat suit came in and simply picked her up. Genie didn't like this at all.

"Put me down you little shit!" She exclaimed, kicking and screaming. As instructed, she was dropped when they left the strange room. Genie recognized this as a lab.

Then a man with white hair walked in front of her and crouched down so they were at the same height. "Hello, dear, I'm Dr Brenner. You are very sick."

Genie blinked in confusion. "Alright, and? So is Will."

"You are sicker."

"So take me home." Genie crossed her arms across her chest and jutted out her hip sassily. Brenner turned back to the other doctor people and sighed.

"Genevieve, this is your home."

Again, Genie started at him with confusion written all over her face. "No...my home has a pool."

Brenner gave her an exasperated sigh. "That place affected her more than we thought."

"Excuse me—what?" Genie raised her eyebrows. This was confusing her beyond belief.

"That place, it make you very sick. It planted false memories in your brain."

Genie looked at him the eyes seriously for about thirty seconds before bursting into laughter. "What a load of bullshit." She wheezed between breathes. Brenner tried to hide the panic on his face. His plan was failing.

"Take her to her room." Was all he said. He had to sit down and sort out what to do next.

"Oh, you're sending me to my room now, what are you, my dad?" She blew a raspberry behind her as she was carried away by men in white coats. This would be a long evening.

Genie sat in the empty white room for hours.  It was cold and barely bigger than a coat closet.  She couldn't even say it was better than the horrible twisted forest she was trapped in not long ago.  At least she had someone with her there.

Finally, the door swung open and there stood Brenner, flanked by two large men.  Genie scrambled to her feet and instinctively put her fists up.  She knew she couldn't beat three grown men in a fist fight, though.

"Come, darling." He said in a soothing voice.  Maybe, his tone would be calming if she wanted it to be but she knew better than to let herself get comfortable with this new place.

"Why?" She asked firmly, trying to keep her voice from shaking.  Brenner didn't answer.  What did happen was the two big men clutching her arms and carrying her away.  She didn't bother struggle and she was too exhausted to even try to use her powers.  She just let them drag her along like a rag doll in the arms of a little girl.

They carried her to a room with a single, large chair and one smaller chair beside it. Beside the smaller chair was a table with a few unidentifiable things on them.

The men sat Genie down in the chair and strapped her wrists and legs down, then Brenner took a seat in the chair beside her and picked up what looked like a strange sort of glue gun.

"Now, this isn't going to hurt that much. Just a pinch." Brenner mimicked pinching the air with his thumb and pointer finger before unstrapping one of her wrists and pressing the top of the gun to her forearm. It was sharp. They were giving her a tattoo.

It hurt a lot more than a pinch. The needle pricked her arm quickly in patterns she didn't recognize until the end of it. She clenched her teeth together and willed herself not to show weakness.

Then the needle stopped and the gun was lifted from her arm. In it's place was a dark, ink tattoo.


⋇⋆✦⋆⋇  ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇

*camera pans to forearm revealing 012* and BLACK du nununnununununuh

I'd call Brenner a little bitch but that would be an insult to dogs.

Um ye see you in chapter three <3

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