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𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚃𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎

"Should I stay or should I go now..." Genie's eyes flickered open and she heard faint singing from Will.  His voice was barely louder than a hum.

"Will?  Will!  Is that you?" A voice echoed around the empty air, hope seeping through it's broken words.  Joyce.

"Mom?" Will shot up, looking around frantically, "Mom, I'm here!"

"Will, what's happening?" Genie groaned, pushing herself up into a sitting position.

"My mom! She found us!" He exclaimed, his eyes excitedly darting around the dark, musty space.  With a sigh, Genie fell back onto the lumpy ground.  "What, aren't you excited?"

"Yeah, wooo." Genie stuck her fists. in the air and waved them unenthusiastically.  When she saw the look on Will's face, she sat up again, "Look, Byers, it's exciting but I don't want to get my hopes up.  Not when I'm this tired at least.  It's gotta be like 3am."

Will sighed but nodded.  "I guess you're right."

They both went back to sleep, keeping warm in each other's arms.

When Genie awoke for the second time, she found her friend in a cross-legged position and blinking rapidly.

"What the hell-"

"Shh." Will placed a finger to her lips, silencing her.  He seemed very focused on whatever he was doing.

"Baby, I need to know. Are you alive?" Joyce's voice echoed faintly around the air and Genie knit her brows. Will blinked once and Joyce's sighs of relief sounded around them. "Are you safe?"

Will blinked twice and Joyce gasped. Speaking of safe, the forest was eerily quiet. It was unusual.

"I need to know where to find you, honey.  Where...where are you?" Her voice began to slowly fade and Will got an alarmed look in his eyes.

"No.  No, Mom!" He cried out, his voice fading to a defeated sob.  Genie frowned and scooted closer to him.

"Hey, hey, look at me." Will looked up at Genie,  tears gliding down his face.  "We are going to be fine.  Promise."

She wrapped her arms around him and let him cry into her shoulder.

"It's gonna be okay." She whispered, patting him softly in the back.  They stayed like that until Will cried himself back to sleep and Genie went back to sleep, her friend still wrapped in her arms.

The next day was long and slow.  The two kids managed to make their ways to Will's house where he insisted they would meet his mom.

They entered the house, Genie jumping slightly at the creaking floorboards.

"She's here, I know it." Will breathed, walking towards the inside wall.

Genie followed hesitantly. The house looked relatively the same aside from the grey filter cast across their vision. The house was dark and silent aside from their light footsteps. A bad feeling formed in Genie's gut and a chill ran down her spine.

"Maybe we should go back, Will." She mumbled, just loud enough for the boy to hear.

"No, no, my mom is here. She can help us get home."

With a sharp exhale, Genie pulled ahead of Will and stopped in front of him.

"Will, we need to go back." She scolded. Will wasn't looking at her. He was looking past her at something that struck a chord of fear inside him. "It's behind me, isn't it."

Will nodded and grabbed Genie's hand. The flowerhead slashed at them with long pointed nails that genie didn't know it had. They ran but the flowerhead was faster. It swung it's inhuman-like hand and Genie's thigh began to sting against the cold air.

"It got me." She muttered, her voice weak. It felt as though poison was sleeping through her leg.

Will glanced back at her before wrapping her arm around his shoulders and helping her run.  "Don't worry, Genie.  I'm here with you."  He gave her a goofy smile and received a quiet chuckle at his cheesy remark.

The two finally reached Castle Byers after what felt like an eternity of running and they collapsed in the fort.

Genie's cut was already scarring but it wasn't a normal scar. It was a thin, black line with a sickly grey colour surrounding it.

"That looks bad." Will frowned. Neither knew what to do.

"I say we just get some rest, see if it's better in the morning." Genie was exhausted from a mix of running and trying not to cry out in pain. She fell asleep fairly quickly.

The emotions buzzing between the pair were unfamiliar to both. They were feelings not many young children were aware of. It was care. A care that neither knew they had.

⋇⋆✦⋆⋇  ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇

Do y'all got any tips for being good at soccer bc I'm doing it with my friends (like competitively) and I suck at it So advice would be greatly appreciated.

Also I never really read over my chapters before I post them so ignore any spelling mistakes and such

See y'all in part four <3

P.S, 71 Views guys I freaking love y'all I did not think people would actually read this shit 😅❤️

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