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𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚃𝚠𝚘

"She'll find them, right El?"

No response came from El.

"She's doing it! She's finding them!"

Genie knew she was just wearing herself down by using her powers at such an exhausted state but she didn't really care at this point. She wanted to know what her friends were doing. If only she could reach them.

Then it hit her. If El could contact Will, surely she could contact a radio from the lab. If she could find one.

First things first, though.

Genie closed her eyes and drummed her fingers against the hard floor. The noise helped her concentrate.

She bit down nervously on her bottom lip as she did so. El was her only chance at escape.

"Come on, El." She whispered. When the red turned to black, Genie smiled. It had worked.

Eleven looked at her as if asking what she wanted.

"El, can you contact one of the radios at the lab with the Heathkit? I want to talk to the boys."

El and Genie had grown closer though they hadn't talked since their first encounter. They bonded through their minds. El trusted Genie. Genie was Mike's friend.

The shorter girl nodded.

"You need to find one." She whispered to Genie who nodded.

"I know. Do you know where I can?"

She nodded again.

Genie listened carefully as El told her instructions on where to go.  She had an idea of where the secret radio was by the end of it.

"Thanks, El!" Genie ran to hug her but El stiffened up.  "Oh, this is a hug.  It's like what two people do when they're saying bye or when they're sad or, well there's lots of reasons for a hug."

El nodded.  "Hug." She murmured and slowly hugged Genie back.

"I'll talk to you soon." Genie smiled as El and the black room dissipated.  Casually wiping the red from beneath her nose, Genie got to her feet.  Hopefully she wouldn't have to use her powers because she probably wouldn't have any energy left to do so.

She quietly cracked the door open and snuck out, not quite shutting it behind her. She crept down the halls, ducking under security cameras and hiding in dark corners until finally she reached the room El had described.  The door seemed normal as far as Genie could tell so she swung it open.

Sure enough, inside sat a small radio that was probably thrown in here for storage.  There were shelves along the sides stacked with old broken items.  The radio seemed to be in perfect condition, fortunately.

Genie crouched in front of the radio and waited.  They would be on soon enough.

It only took a moment for El to contact Genie's radio.

"Hello?" Genie asked into the microphone when the machine buzzed to life.

"Genie!" She heard the boys shouting on the other end.  They all started talking over each other and she understood why Hopper was annoyed by this.

"Guys!  I can't understand a word you're saying!" She spoke in a low voice so she wouldn't get caught.

"Where are you?" Lucas asked.

"Some kind of lab, I think it's Hawkins Lab." She responded.

"Sorry, can you repeat that?  You cut out."

"I said I'm at Hawkins Lab." She repeated.  No sound came from the other side until,

"Do you know where Will is?" Mike asked urgently.

"Yes and no.  He's in some place, it's like a Mirror copy of our world.  Like-like..." She tried to find the words to make them understand, "Like the Vale of Shadows!"

Before anyone could say anything more, the machine's buzzing came to a halt and it shut down completely.

"Aw shit.  No no no!" Genie tried to find an on switch of some kind but it was no use.  The radio was about as helpful now as the popped rubber ball on the shelf beside her.

So she snuck back to her little room and sat there, alone again.  She gave in and decided to sleep because what else would she do without any energy.

Genie drifted off into a deep dreamless sleep on the hard floor of what she liked to call her prison cell.  The guards left the door unlocked unless Genie was at full power so she could simply have walked out of that lab if she really wanted.  She promised herself, though that she wasn't leaving until she had her shit sorted out.  That means learning to properly control her powers.

⋇⋆✦⋆⋇  ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇

Shit sorry that was short again

I wrote this in like 20 minutes cuz I gotta go to school

See y'all in part three <3

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