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𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚃𝚠𝚘

Genie was awoken by her brother knocking loudly on her open door.

"Genie!" He knew she was awake though she stayed still under her blanket with her eyes squeezed tightly shut. "Genie! Genevieve!"

Still no response from Genie so Steve marched over and tore the blanket from her.  She groaned as the cool air hit her bare arms and crossed them under her body, curling up into a ball.

"Genie, get up.  We gotta go to school." Steve urged, shaking her by the shoulders.  She sighed and rolled over to face him.


Steve finally left, closing the door behind him and Genie walked over to her closet. She thought briefly about going back to sleep but her eyes had seen too much light and it would be much too difficult to get back to sleep.

She grabbed some jeans and t-shirt with a black hoodie over top and changed quickly.

After she changed, Genie grabbed her backpack  that sat on the floor leaning against her bed and swung it over her shoulder. 

Her family was already eating by the time she reached the breakfast table.

"Hi, Genie, hun, I hope Steve wasn't to abrupt this morning." Her mom smiled warmly at her.

"Oh he was abrupt alright." Genie glared at her brother, putting a piece of toast in the toaster and sliding into a seat beside her mom.

"I was not." Steve mumbled as he rolled his eyes, smearing a glob of butter across his toast.

"Keep rolling your eyes, maybe you'll find a brain back there." The younger girl said with a mouthful of food.

"Genie." Their mother scolded.

"What? He's a loggerheaded prick." Genie mumbled, getting up to retrieve her toast at the sound of the toaster popping.  She smiled proudly as she got a knife out along with a jar of jam.  "I learned that insult from Shakespeare."

"Genevieve." Genie gave her mom an apologetic look.

Steve let out a snort of laughter at Genie's previous remark.

After a few minutes, Genie had finished eating and brushed her teeth quickly.  She hurried to the door after hearing Steve calling her and telling her to hurry up.

"I'm here, relax." She huffed, pulling on a jacket then her backpack overtop. With a quick 'bye mom!' into the house, Genie hopped in the passenger seat of Steve's car and he got in the drivers.

"You got everything?" Steve asked, pulling his seat belt over his chest and buckling it.

"Yup." Genie said, doing the same. She had a wide smile on her face and Steve noticed this.

"What's got you so happy, you excited to see your boyfriends?" He teased. Genie rolled her eyes.

"My guy friends? Yeah, I am."

Steve chuckled, aside from that the rest of the ride was in comfortable silence.

When Steve pulled up to the school, Genie hopped out immediately and ran over to where she had spotted her friends when they pulled in.

"That's weird.  I don't see him." Mike was saying. Will wasn't with them.

Something was up, Genie just guessed that nobody wanted to acknowledge it.

"I'm telling you, his mom's right! He probably just left for school early again!" Lucas protested.

"Hey guys!" Genie walked up beside them.

"Hey, Genie, have you seen Will?" Lucas asked. Genie shook her head.

"No, he's probably inside already."

Suddenly, Genie ran into something tall and irritating.  "Step right up, ladies and gentlemen." Troy mocked, his little goon laughing behind him, "Step right up and get your tickets for the freak show."

"How long did it take you to come up with that one." Genie mumbled, mostly to herself, shoving her hands in her pockets.

"Who do you think would make more money in the freak show?" Troy turned and asked his friend, approaching Genie's in the process, "Midnight...Frogface...Toothless..." he sent each boy a small shove as he said the rude nickname. He reached out his hand to Genie and she slapped it away quickly, "or the dishwasher."

Troy backed away quickly.  He knew she'd get him for that sexist nickname, one day.

"Are you done?" Genie took her remaining hand from her pocket and crossed her arms.

"Not until Toothless here does the arm thing." Troy nodded at Dustin with an amused grin, "Come on, Toothless, do it."

Dustin sighed and handed his jacket and backpack to his friends, holding out his arms. They snapped forward and the sound of cracking followed the motion. Troy and his friend made disgusted faces that Genie mockingly returned.

"God, it gets me every time." Troy shuddered, pushing through Genie and Lucas.  Genie stuck her leg out to the side as Troy passed, making hm stumble slightly.  Genie chuckled quietly as he cursed and stormed off.

"Assholes." Lucas mumbled.

"I think it's kinda cool." Mike turned to Dustin who had a frown on his face, "it's like you have some kind of superpower."

"Yeah!  Like um like a superhero!" Genie patted him on the back and walked on ahead of the group and into to the school.

"Well no shit." She heard Lucas say from behind her.

Genie laughed airily and broke into a run, the boys following her into the school.

That was the last time she laughed for the next couple of hours.  Will didn't show up at all that day.  The boys tried to make up all kinds of excuses for him but she wasn't buying it.  There was something wrong.  Something very wrong.

⋇⋆✦⋆⋇  ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇

Sorry, this was short :(

It's Friday, but I'm updating bc I feel like a week is too long and I have quite a few prewritten chapter so yeah

Alrighty, hope you enjoyed and see you in part three <3

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