The Theme Song Challenge

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Hello, friends, first thing to say, I am having a slow time coming up with ideas, so if you have any requests for a story, that would be extremely appreciated.  Now, the pronouns are they/them, the reader has Electrokinesis, and is an empath so they feel others' emotions (they don't need to touch like Mantis, but does have a sort of control over it depending on the strength of said emotion), and it is Reader x Sam.  Lastly, do want me to start putting the ships/love interest/focus in the titles?  Onto the story...

Today had been boring if anything, you and your boyfriend Sam had been going back and forth with dumb stories and making fun of people, pulling some pranks here and there, but overall, it had been boring. Nothing had happened, there was not even a misdemeanor in all of the east coast. You didn't have any school work for Medical School due to the fact that you'd finished it the day before so you would have time to have fun today, now you regret leaving not even a practice problem or two for today. That was how your day had been until Tony called everyone into the main room for one of his team meetings.

"Welcome, one and all to the beginning of an epic challenge." Tony announced to the team, some of which looked like they had been woken up, others like they had been interrupted doing other things, all of them knowing they didn't want to be there for this. "I challenge all of you to the Theme Song Challenge. All of you must find a song related to your superhero name, actual name or something similar."

"Great. Can I go back to sleep now?" Peter responds, the poor kid looking like he hadn't slept in days, probably accurate because it was finals week and he had been patrolling for hours every night like usual.

"Yes, you will all get an email about the order of your days to go." Tony announces, Peter looked at the billionaire like he could kiss the man right then and there.


Today was day one of the theme song challenge. Nat was going first and you knew she had something up her sleeve because there was rarely a time she didn't. You were all, except of course Natasha, sitting at the dining table eating Steve's delicious breakfast he makes for the whole team every morning. She walked in with a handheld speaker in one hand and her phone in the other. Before anyone had registered what was happening, Black Widow by Iggy was blasting over the room. You all chuckled and all gave her congratulations, eye rolls and a snarky remark, or something along those lines as she sat down and ate.

"Really, Widow? I expected you to be more creative?" Clint teases.

"I thought my theme song should be simple because it took less time and effort, and I knew that if anyone made fun of the simplicity I could injure, torture, kill, mame, traumatize, etc. them in sove very creative ways." Nat retorts, Clint raises his hands, feigning surrender and trying to hide this slight look of fear.


The second day was Clint's turn, he came swinging in the window as FRIDAY blasted I'm A Bird Motherfvcker I'm A Bird. The response to that was a collection of just outright laughs because, quality content.

After his grand, swinging, entrance, he grabbed his usual breakfast of black coffee in a sealed and insulated water bottle and a plain bagel with strawberry cream cheese and hopped into the main vent, completed by an easy open latch and soft close hinges on the cover because Tony gave up and added them, knowing Clint wasn't going to give up his habit of traveling by vent, and Tony didn't want to keep having to replace the vent cover after Clint either ruined it with an arrow or something similar, or Clint pulled it off of the wall and it got bent and/or broken. That earned some more laughs and chuckles, even a face palm from Nat as his best friend for so long.

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