Random A/N

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Welcome, friends!  Just a reminder, I have no idea who is reading this book, or if anyone is, so please, PLEASE, comment and vote so I know you're there, thanks.

Also, requests.  I do know that I haven't addressed this topic yet, and to tell the truth it was because I was unsure of making a chapter or an A/N at the beginning/end of a chapter saying how requests were open and saying how I'll do my best to write and answer your requests because I have no idea who's reading, or frankly if anyone is and enjoying it.  I understand that there are some comments and votes so I know some people are reading, voting, and commenting, but I don't know if anyone really likes the topics and characters I choose or the relations to the reader.  It would be amazing if you guys could be more active in the comments, and don't be afraid to comment on an A/N about what you would like to see.  Please, feel free to make your requests and I will move those plots to the top of my list to write.

Also, the next few stories I have lined up and in the writing phase, are a Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier x younger sister (also Winter Soldier serum effected), I'm working on another Bucky imagine related to his memories and PTSD, as well as something I'm fiddling with around Wanda and/or her abilities, and I might possibly do something with the Guardians and/or Revengers.  I do want to make it clear that most of these are simply possibilities and I cannot promise anything, as well as how much it would help if any and/or all of you made some requests by sending me the idea and/or pronouns and/or anything else in a PM or comment, ideally on this chapter, but I don't care too too much about that as long as you're requesting.

Last thing, I just want to remember to ask that you do please share this book, whether sending it to friends, adding a shout out on your announcements page, as long as it has a positive message, anything will help right now.  Also, because I feel mean and greedy asking you all to share my story and do things for the benefit of me and only really me, I will give you a shout out on my profile announcements page, and in the book (for whatever that's worth).

Thanks my dears,


Marvel ImaginesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz