Welcome to Heaven

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Hey Friends!!  I just quickly wanted to say a few words quickly before getting into the good stuff!!  1, Thanks for 165 reads, keep reading, voting, commenting, and sharing.  2, PLEASE feel free to comment, you all are so silent and I want to hear your thoughts, constructive criticism, requests!  Please comment!  Now, onto the good stuff

Mentions of death and religion.  For clarification, I am not religious but this story just kind of came to me and so I wrote it, no matter my beliefs.

Your POV

You know how when you're drowning you don't relent and breathe in until you're about to pass out? They will not let any water in us so strong that you don't give up until there's barely any strength or ability to keep the water out any longer. Here I was, drowning, but I was dead already, and yet, I still felt like I was drowning, maybe I hadn't died yet, or maybe this is just what death is, an empty, black, lonely, nothingness, stuck in a repetition of my death.

Wait. Here death comes, a light, warm and fuzzy. Almost like how it feels to drink a hot drink on a freezing day, warning you from the inside out. The feeling is safe and warm and makes me feel like I'm at home. This must be death, and if this is death, I'll get to see my family, my big sister, my favorite friend, my mentor and father figure, my girlfriend's brother who's like a brother to me, so many people I've lost. When I see a figure at the gates, I know it must be god, for he has beautiful golden wings, wears a long white robe, and has the aura of a creator (also I see this as Stan Lee's cameo). He looks so kind and caring.

"Hello, my child." He greets, opening his arms in a flourish, his wings raising and opening with them.

"So you're god, this is heaven, cool. I don't care about you, I don't believe in heaven and hell, good and bad people being that way from birth, I don't believe in sins and fate. I don't care if you exist, I do care about the people I've lost, I died knowing they died for me, so I needed to die for my world. If all of this bible-y stuff is real, then they should be here, let me see them." I demand, tears threatening to fall down my cheeks and my anger mixing with my loss and sadness.

"You are correct. They are here, and they've been waiting for you." He answers, I give the man a questioning glance, he smiles before stepping to the side and gesturing as the white pearly gates open to reveal the people you've missed more than anything or anyone.

"Nat, Mr. Stark, Pietro, Loki? Is it really you?" You question, bringing a hand to cover your mouth as you let the tears fall.

"Yes, Маленький (Little One), it's us." Natasha says, opening her arms that you sprint and jump into in less than seconds.

"But, I thought you were gone. I thought I'd never see you again." You cry, the sounds slightly muffled by Natasha's shoulder as you cried into it.

"We'd never let that happen, we love you 3,000." Tony says, making you cry even harder.

"I bet you didn't see this coming." Pietro jokes, you wanna punch him, but you just end up separating from Nat to wrap your arms around Pietro.

"You dick! You weren't supposed to die!! That loss almost killed Wanda, I had to take anything that could make even a scratch on her out of our room because I didn't know what would happen for months after you killed yourself to save your stupid boyfriend and a random kid from a crazy robot that made our home fly! If I wasn't as glad to see you as I am, I would punch you in the nose!" I scold, Pietro just chuckles.

"I knew Wanda would be fine because she had you, and I knew Clint would eventually be okay because he knew I did it to save him and do the right thing." Pietro defends.

"Okay, so, I'm the demigod and I haven't even had a hello, or at least a hi! You all are-"

"Beneath you. I know the speech, but just remember, now we're all gods, we're dead." I interrupt, Loki rolls his eyes, but still chuckles in appreciation.

"Gimme a hug, Sparky." He jokes, opening his arms. He insists on calling me sparky because I have pyrokinesis and he thinks it's hilarious, I can't argue that it's kind of ironic, but don't find it the funniest.

"I swear, you are a pain in the ass!" I huff, nevertheless hugging the godlike being.

"HE gets a hug before me! Oh, I see how it is now!" Tony feigns being stabbed in the heart.

"He deserves it more, Mr. Stark." You chuckle, he rolls his eyes.

"Oh, so now that we're dead you call me Mr. Stark again?" He argues, I laugh before ruffling the man's hair and hugging him. What he said really made the fact that I was dead hit me, it hit me like a bullet to the stomach.

"So, we're dead now?" You question as you separate from Tony.

"Yup." Nat shrugs.

"Follow us to the living spaces, you get the condo in between me and Nat." Tony says, putting a hand around my shoulder and guiding me to the buildings.

"Wait until you meet Mulan, and Pochahontis. They're insanely awesome." Nat says, getting giddy with excitement.

"Oh, and you'd love Peggy Carter, she's the best." Tony says.

"Ooh! And Goose!" Pietro adds.

"Goose?" I ask, confused at why someone named Goose was in my interest.

"Alien cat that took Fury's eye." He says, your eyes widen in interest.

"Yes. Please." I say, laughing out loud, that alien's got to be the best. "What about Jarvis, I'd like to meet the man who raised this li'l marshmallow." You chuckle, Tony rolls his eyes in response.

"He's- busy, shall I say with his wife and their renewed youthful build." Tony chuckles, winking.

"I did not need, nor want to know that!" I practically yell, disgusted.

"I wish I knew who our parents were, or if they're even dead, I could let you meet them." Nat shrugs, her smile fading.

"It's fine, I've got all I need right here, and down on the ground." You say, shrugging. They led me to where I now live, and in what feels seconds it's been days. I know death will be okay, I just don't know if those I left behind will be, especially Wanda, she has the capability to cause some damage with her pain. I just hope she'll be able to control what happens and it doesn't become what I know it could, and she stays on the side of good in the eyes of the public and S.W.O.R.D. I know they don't trust her abilities.

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