I'm What?!?!

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This story uses female pronouns and feminine descriptions, if you want other pronouns feel free to comment and I will.

You had just gotten back from the training run of your life, Steve found out you could fight with strength only matched by him, Bucky, Carol, and Thor and decided he was going to spar with you. That wasn't the issue, you were fine with fighting him, you liked the challenge your size difference gave you and his face when you managed to pin him. The issue was that you had school work to do and teve wouldn't let you do it so you were freaking out because you needed to do school work and he had you in the gym minutes after you were back to the tower, not letting you go until well past 7:00 pm. When you had gotten back, showered, changed, and had eaten it was minutes to eight and Thor was talking to the other original six while they all sipped their respective versions and strength of alcohol, Nat sipping straight up, Russian vodka like it was water, Clint enjoying beer, Tony sipping 200 year old scotch in a crystal glass like the boujee AF man he is, Steve and Thor both nursing glasses of Asgardian liquor, you couldn't tell which version Thor brought this night, Banner drinking a martini. You found where you left your school books on the counter only to find that Mjölnir was on top of it.

"Thor, your hammer's on my school stuff." You complained, yelling over to the lounge where the six sat.

"Too bad, I'm talking to the older people over here." Thor responded.

"C'mon, Odinson, I have an assignment due tomorrow that's a huge percentage of my grade!" You huff.

"If you need it moved so badly, move it yourself." Thor responds, you know he must be tipsy and drunk because he rarely acts like this, he's not that rude.

"Well, what the hell." You mumbled to yourself, knowing there was nothing to lose. You take a deep breath and grab the handle of Mjölnir before lifting it. You were surprised by the lightness, but also the imbalance of it, it was really weirdly weighted. Before you knew it you were floating in an orb of lighting and electricity as your loose, oversized hoodie and old, loose, shorts became an Asgardian outfit fit for royalty.

"Thor, you're gonna wanna see this." Nat says, her jaw dropped and eyes wide in shock, just like the others that could see you, Thor on the other hand happened to be facing away from you.

"See what?" Thor questioned, turning around in his seat to see you wielding his hammer as you slowly were lowered from your floating electricity orb and back to the ground where you stood, also in shock.

"Thor, what's happening to me?" You asked, your voice unstable and confused, terror pumping throughout your veins.

"It can't be." Was all Thor said.

"What's that supposed to mean? What the hell is happening to me?!?!" You repeated, fear more prominent as you got no explanation.

"You're worthy." Again, was all you got from Thor.

"No shit! I can tell that, but this didn't happen when Steve lifted it, or Vision, so why me?" You question again.

"Because they're not Asgardian." Was his response, again puzzling you, you aren't either. You knew you were adopted as an infant but you were from earth, your powers came from an accident at an old job of yours.

"I'm not either, I've grown up on Earth my whole life." You argue.

"That may be true, but tell me, (Y/N), who are your biological parents?" He questions, the question leaves you at a loss for appropriate words.

"I've never met them, they died before I was born, or at least that's what my parents were told." You tell him truthfully.

"Exactly. You and your adoptive parents were miss informed. Your mother is a woman named Valkyrie." Thor explains.

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