Try me, my family doesn't like bullies

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Hello my friends!  I wrote this, lost it in my drafts and then now found it, so I have no clue about pronouns (sorry).

We were at school, Peter was sick today and MJ and Ned weren't really my friends, they pretended to be for Peter's sake, but I was Peter's younger, adopted, weird and broken sister and they didn't really care that I existed. In all truth, I doubt they would notice if I died, they would know because Peter would tell them and be sad, but they wouldn't be able to tell for themselves. This meant I was alone and essentially unprotected, yes, I did have my powers, and I could shock anyone I felt like hurting, but I can't let anyone know about my electrokinesis, so even though I wanted to be Static, I was just Loeser.

I knew how to survive, the system will do that to you. I stayed in the corner, didn't talk, avoided drawing attention to myself, stayed out of anyone's mind. I did what I could to avoid danger, but the rest, the parts I couldn't control, I just had to hope the bullies and their cronies would leave me alone.

I guess the universe doesn't change who gets luck and who doesn't, because I was sitting under a tree reading The Mortal Instruments, when I looked up to see Flash and his cronies storming straight at me.

"Hiya! Loeser!" Flash greeted, stopping his storm through the courtyard inches from me so he was looming over me.

"Hiya! Dumbass!" I mimicked, using his same cheerful and peppy tone, but turning it around with a slight air of sarcasm and switching his "affectionate" nickname for me for one that was more my speed.

"What did you just call me? Loeser?" He asks again, punctuating his point by stressing you, me, and especially stressing Loeser.

"Dumbass, now we both have pet names for each other!" I said, clasping my hands under the side of my neck and batting my eyelashes innocently and cutely. "How romantic, a perfect thing to script for when you shift into your DR where I like you, and you can count to 10." I say again, now standing up to become closer to eye level with him.

"I don't even know what you're talking about? Shifting? DR?" He asks, I chuckle.

"Well, buddy, look it up you're not worth talking to." I respond, trying to exit, but he simply grabs my bicep and pushes me back.

"I'm not done talking to you, Loeser." He demands, his goons laughing behind him.

"Yeah, but I'm done talking to you." I respond, pulling free and trying once again to leave.

"Oh, I wouldn't recommend talking to me like that. I rule this school, I can have you expelled with one little ask." He responds, I can't help but laugh, he takes not of my burst of laughter, "What's so funny about you're education ending?" He threatens again, I start to laugh harder.

"I can't believe you're still oblivious to this, really it's almost endearing, almost. You can't do anything to me." I respond, finally finding reason to stay for this.

"Who says, like I said, I rule this school. I can do whatever I want." He responds cockily, his goons laughing behind him, but no one laughing as hard as I am.

"I'll tell you three things about myself, and let's see if your brain works well enough to connect the dots. I am the adoptive sister of Peter Benjamin Parker Stark. My phone is an unreleased model of a Stark Industries phone. Lastly, I have all of the Avengers, Revengers, and even a couple free-lance mutants on speed-dial and them me. What do you think this means?" I test, the whole time Flash's face stays in a blankly confused expression.

"So? Penis is your brother, you have access to lame tech," Everyone is shocked by that statement, and I know he's lying when he calls my unreleased phone lame. "And you have cool friends? Why should I care?"

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