I turn to look at her and narrow my eyes, to which she chuckles at, turning onto our driveway. "Mom, I'm not stupid. We can forget about this entire conversation now, okay?" I say and she chews on the inside of her mouth, nodding in response.

"Okay." She replies and I open the car door, getting out and heading for the house.

As I step inside, Rex runs up to us with his tongue hanging out of his mouth before jumping up at me, wanting to be greeted.

"Hi boy," I say happily as I stroke him, attempting to keep myself standing upright as his heavy stature leans against me.

He jumps down and runs off through the house, his large paws continuing to echo along the marble flooring.

My mom appears next to me and offers another small, knowing smile before walking off into the house, probably to find my dad.

She's been talking non stop all morning about Rio coming over later. I swear she's secretly still a kid at heart. She hasn't stopped gossiping about what it will be like or what we could possibly have for dinner.

Deciding to brave it and walk into the kitchen, I notice my parents sat at the table with Rex laying on the floor beside his water bowl.

"Hey T," my dad greets and I offer a small smile in response.

My mom watches me and I notice her strange stare. "What mom?" I groan playfully and she chuckles, my dad's dark eyes flicking between us both curiously.

Creases begin to form on his forehead as he attempts to figure out what is actually going on. If my mom tells him that I'm on birth control, I can literally kiss goodbye to the thing I call life.

"Oh, nothing darling." My mom replies, her voice raising an octave as she grins to herself.

Talon huffs as he strolls into the kitchen, opening one of the cabinets and throwing his head back in frustration.

I raise my brows as I watch his display of Oscar worthy acting and press my lips together to contain a laugh.

He turns around and leans against the work top, his expression blank. "Well, due to recent cutbacks, the light at the end of the tunnel has officially been turned off." He mutters as he runs a hand through his dark locks.

My dad releases a long, tired sigh. "What are you going on about?" My dad rolls his eyes and I stifle a laugh, covering it up by faking a cough.

"There's no more freaking pasta in this house!" He yells exasperatedly and I glance towards my dad who is looking at Talon with a completely blank expression.

"Talon, you don't need pasta, we're having dinner in a few hours." My mom scolds and his jaw drops, his eyes widening.

"A few hours? I'll be dead by then!" He scoffs. "Do you know that I consume more food than the average human being? I'm basically a food processor."

Oh my god.

I don't even attempt to chip into this conversation, instead just making a quick and swift exit out of the kitchen and up to my bedroom to shower before Rio gets here.

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