He was at breakfast reflecting, while Geno was still in the kitchen making breakfast, since his mother had not yet arrived, he had to play that role to survive and keep the beasts he had as brothers calm, and he did not complain, he was entertained by the hobby of cooking, if it weren't because a certain boy was hugging him from behind making his movement impossible.

"Reaper, I'm making breakfast." He said seriously, growling as the aforementioned clung to the grip, a loose one. "Go wait for him like them."

"I don't want to receive the murderous look from your brother. And he sure will be making out with Ink." Though he was elbowed in the chest.

"I'm not going to ask if you heard my screams, I already have it clear." More than preparing something five stars, I was just pouring the cereal portions into the bowls, different according to the preferences of the three brothers. ''In the end it was not that, just a misunderstanding."

"Apparently last night left you crazy. Heh." And he got another nudge.

"Rather traumatized."

Reaper laughed a bit pained, and let go of him, he was still wearing his pajamas and after a while he would leave, he also had a brother to be with or that's what he always said. Geno and his errant left the dishes on the table, apparently Ink still did not come down and that was worrying everyone, Fresh was not there either, but it was clear that he was still sleeping, they already had the habit of letting him sleep late, although more than anything he just shut himself up to talk to his friends. Geno put his things aside and ignoring everyone went to the bathroom where the child should be.

Meanwhile, Ink was looking at himself in the mirror, he had been changing until he remembered that he did not have the patch hiding the dark spot on his cheek, he was absorbed in reality, and only remembered Error's words. What did it matter to have that brand? Be like that? He did not know, he was putting pressure on himself for wanting to accept what it cost him, he looked horrible, he hated the way it looked, and he had to wash his face several times hoping that the tears would stop coming out, he felt ashamed of having a low in the middle of the morning, even so the loss of colors was also affected to him, there was no beauty, he saw deformity.

He made an effort to swallow, and was scared when he felt a hand run down his back to his shoulder, he looked at Geno with his eyes covered with tears, and in seconds he was hugged by him, allowing him to cry more calmly. After a few seconds, Geno was already drying his tears to kiss him on the forehead, and asking if he could help with something, Ink asked if he had something to cover his cheek, and affirming the gesture, he asked the patch.

After five minutes they went down to the dining room and began to eat in silence, sepulchral, ​​whenever Error and Geno exchanged glances, the atmosphere was much more tense than before, Ink, decided to leave early before feeling more guilty about many things.


On Monday, he had started on the right foot, there was nothing but clouds that covered the soy and with such a grayish appearance he could sigh calmly, sitting in his position he thought he was alone when he took out his sketchbook, it was the third recess and time for lunch for others, but he used it to have a good time alone to free himself, Geno had accompanied Blue and the group to the patio, and they had left him at his own request, alone in the living room. Error came out the door after ten minutes of recess and had startled Ink.

"Hey." He greeted, normally they both did not have talks at the institute, they were not necessary either, and from time to time the child made it uncomfortable to recall the first conversation he had had with him. Yet there the two of them were alone in the living room, with the curtains and walls concealing their talk.

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