Chapter 5

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Ink did not have an umbrella like going home after school, and that was the question he had for the rest of the day as a way to stop worrying about the event hours ago, the cold was soaking his bones and he was impatient to wait for them to finish classes and thus return home and sleep, he would have liked to walk in the rain, but under the current conditions, with such an unforeseen storm, it was preferable not to risk his weak health any more.

He loved walking and seeing every drop falling to the surface of the earth, bouncing off the ground and joining together to form puddles, thinking while the dark sky ruined a beautiful day, he could feel relaxed, maybe more sensitive but the noise left him drowsy, he could spend a good time listening, until falling asleep or drinking coffee looking at the window.

Vague memories would arrive at that time, like when he was having fun with his precious friend on rainy days, they would go to one of the houses to have hot chocolate to watch children's movies, and the occasional horror where Ink always ended up with nightmares in the nights, on those visits they both went to sleep together to relax the bad vibes, in the same bed and dreaming better than they would be alone, they were best friends.

Those things destroyed him, for a long time he had not played a new movie or seen much of them, his uncle when he arrived had to be with his wife and for that reason Ink stayed locked up, hearing laughter, crying, screaming, even gasping, videos they saw, and although he was soon to come of age; animated series was the best, he wanted to preserve his childhood and not think about society.

Without realizing it, he was already at the entrance of the institute on the threshold that separated them from a study room to freedom, a distorted one, since the rain made it impossible to walk without sinking into the sidewalks through the cracks and mud, it was quite a challenge to advance without getting wet, impossible when you did not have an umbrella to protect yourself. Due to his sad memories, several tears escaped him in addition to a sigh, one that was broken and difficult to contain, if he went slowly he would end up sick and wet, in addition to shouts from his aunt for wetting the floor of the house when he arrived, weight if he ran away, he could slip or get respiratory problems, he did not have good sports skills, and it would also be problematic for his family, moving forward would be going to death, but staying was unaffordable due to the obligation of the elderly to cancel the workshops.

He looked with his eyes for some way to walk without getting more wet, some continuous roof through which to pass one by one, but what he found as soon as he turned his face to the side was Geno with a black umbrella near him, he was accompanied by Fresh and on the other side Reaper, always close to the older brother.

"Ink. Shall we give you a hand? You've seen Fresh before."

"Heya Ink brah! Wassup little buddy Inky?"

Ink's face showed discomfort for that treatment, he just raised his hand to say hello later he sneezed, fantastic, how was it possible to get sick with a few minutes outside?

"Don't worry, my brother is trustworthy, he won't talk about your condition, well, I'd like to take you home, we have our mother waiting in the car."

"My mother-in-law is very kind, so don't worry, we're not going to kidnap you." Reaper said in a low tone of voice hugging the arm of his dear platonic love, Ink doubted whether to accept.

He did not want them to know where he lived, he could make himself known and they would even visit him if he got sick, it was most likely and he did not want to risk their friendship if his aunt saw them, he would not accept, he did not want them to know his condition, the horrible treatments that received, it would desecrate his life, and he feared that they would stop being good to him for the same.

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