Chapter 6

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That night he had slept in Fresh's room, since he had run away in his words to meet the boy that Geno had mentioned before, that was what they told him and he really preferred not to comment on the subject, normally some monsters wanted to do everything to get together with his friends or partner, breaking the rules imposed for their well-being, their older brother distrusted what he did when he left home, because he knew what he was doing and after many discussions he had agreed to take care of his back instead of telling them to her parents, mother Crayon was a working woman who arrived the next day in the morning, arrived, slept and after doing some tasks she returned to work, she was kind to everyone and with Ink she had taken a certain special affection, before going to work once, she told him to tell her anything he needed, as well as giving him a fond smile that made Ink nervous.

Ink didn't want to get into any more trouble that was none of his business, but it had been two weeks since he started visiting the home of the trio of brothers, just when Fresh was doing his thing, giving the opportunity to sleep in his bedroom when he slipped away, it was a somewhat uncomfortable bed, but the atmosphere was better compared to his own room, he had talked about these visits to his uncle when he met him one day when he returned home, and he had reacted happier than he expected. Just by having a change of clothes he could stay as long as he wanted with them, he trusted his nephew and knew they weren't bad together, besides the simple fact that Ink wouldn't be able to be in those bad groups due to his condition.

Geno and Error were still in their dispute, and there were no direct signs that it was going to be solved, but many times Ink could notice the gaze fixed on his brother when Reaper approached, and that gave him a hypothesis, the problem was Reaper.

One Friday they had formed a sleepover, now choosing a horror movie of his choice of the hoodie, Ink was now prepared and had his clothes in his bag for the next day, equally quiet as there was something daily that still did not leave him in peace, and sincerely, he was going to act before falling into sadness. His slumps had become less frequent on the days he visited them, but when he arrived at his house he released all tension as he slept alone again. Although he sometimes got to the point that when he stayed to sleep with them he cried a little, it was a need that he had a hard time overcoming, and Geno did not complain, he understood it.

That was something else he discovered about the red scarf skeleton, apparently he had also been with depression a few years ago and had managed to overcome it thanks to his family and Reaper, the one with clothes similar to a robe had always been with him when he needed it and when not, and although this had previously caused his depression to worsen for Geno, he was able to get used to it and let himself go, after a while he had even accepted his love, sometimes love could solve it, be it friendship, family, couple. A beautiful story that had even caused him to cry in front of Geno when he told him about the situation that he lived through a week ago, that night Ink could not close one eye and the other had heard him sob while attending to him when he went for a glass of water.

Ink owed a lot to Geno.

There was also the relationship that began to flow between Error and Ink, it was something more expensive and difficult for it to flourish, since both were equally quiet and silences were what most abounded between them, it was still heavy, and for Ink his chest did not leave him calm, his soul shrunk and more than courage to start a conversation, there was fear.

Sometimes he spoke to Error, knowing how he was and some trivial issues to alleviate him, from time to time he could notice his inner kindness and his voice was relaxing when he extended his dialogues, that caused certain nerves in his being, and each time the temptation was greater. Before going to that meeting, he had drawn him, or tried, he had not liked it and was willing to throw it away when he had the opportunity.

Depressive AU ¦ ENGLISH TRANSLATIONजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें