Chapter 2

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- I contend loudly -

His calming dream had been abruptly stunned, jumping on his seat when a gentle caress on his femur disconnected his nap with the harsh reality, reacting in the same way as he woke up, removing the culprit of that slip with a slap, hearing a suggestive moan in response , one so low that at least it was no more scary than attracting attention.
"Ouch, that hurts, dear." The tone of voice was suggestive, with if it had another meaning.
He was able to wake up completely when he raised his head scared, with his disproportionate sockets and altered, he had never felt something like this from another individual before or have experienced that, it was a real event to aberrate that guy for his whole life, who when he saw him swallowed saliva .
Another monster with a short coat along with his shirt which showed part of his spine, on top of the coat he had blue hair, and his pants showed the pelvic area, the iliac. Ink wanted to scream in terror and kick him but seeing around him in the panic he realized that they were still in the classroom as if arriving at school had never been a dream, and worst of all, all the positions were occupied, they were in middle of a class.
"Shh.. I don't think you're from around here.. I've never seen you before, are you an exchange student? New school? Ohhh, sweetie, you'll have a lot of fun here."
Ink looked askance that some were also observing the mess that had been mounted, the teacher was teaching ignoring everything, there was no need for a presentation, that pleased him in a certain part. But getting curious glances left him in nothing, except for those in the background, in the position of the third row, some smiled sarcastically, he had to hold his breath and continue pretending that he was mute for that pervert to shut up.
Because others also spoke, he was not penalized.
"You are one of the shy ones.. Heh, how cute." he commented with a shrug.
"I would love to meet you, wouldn't you?"
Ink shook his head, throwing his chair to the other side, the legs of his seat grinding against the floor, emitting a horrible noise for everyone who was there, attracting the teacher's attention, there were some murmurs but that monster dog interrupted any sound.
"Master Lust!" Said the dog with an auturitarian tone, the aforementioned only looked askance at the man, smiling as if he had done nothing. "What did I say about flirting in class? Exit the room, and you uh... Dude? Don't do that again."
The tone changed to a softer one when they named the young man, who lowered his gaze fearing more screams, or blows, he did not receive anything and that surprised him. By the time he returned his gaze to the front, his benchmate had left without leaving a piece of paper in the booth, they were numbers and an address, why was that guy so... Don Juan?
He took the paper to cut it in half and repeat the process again until the remains were small torn squares, he pushed them with his palm to the edge to catch it with the other hand and put the waste in his pants, he liked to be clean, but he always forgot that he had done that, and every time he took his hands out of his pockets, papers flooded like streamers.
He silently took out his notebook and pencil taking care that no one saw him, apparently only when he did something abrupt did the gaze fall on him, of course, everyone is curious about the new boy to know if he was perfect to use as a toy, no one for some purpose friendly.
He wasn't paying attention to the teacher, he didn't even know what he was writing on the board, there were numbers and roots and things that he didn't understand. His solution was to draw, something he liked to do to pass the time, he did it since he was little and he loved to use colors, however, regarding everything that happened he preferred to use black and its gray tones now, it was the best thing to do his drawings, although having only graphite he is limited to the illumination of his sketches.

He liked to capture in the leaves what he had in his mind, let his dark thoughts carry on the surface, until now he only drew trees and macabre shadows between them, things that had strange extremities, spitting black liquid and without defined shapes, something with which he was working, he was a kind of monster that painfully turned his head into butterflies, and sometimes his head flew out of his body, it was bizarre, especially when they were combinations of monsters he had seen. He would rather not even his uncle see it, it was private, it had a meaning that he was not willing to find out.

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