𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 7➴

ابدأ من البداية

Hawks watched you, and then sat down at the table. You didn't sit with him though since you still felt embarrassed. "Thank you for the food." Hawks mumbled, then began eating his toast.

You grabbed another apple and placed it infront of him. "You can't survive pretty much the whole day on just a piece of toast." You crossed your arms.

"Oh, thanks." He smiled. You nodded and then walked upstairs. You went into your room and grabbed your phone, then walked back downstairs.

You sat on the couch, and saw an unread text from Kaminari.

Pikachu ⚡

uhh idk let me ask kiri ₂:₅₆ₚₘ

kiri says in 2 days at 7 ₃:₀₄ₚₘ

that work for you? ₃:₀₄ₚₘ



                                                               sorry for not replying I was busy aha ₈:₀₄ₐₘ

                                                                                     that should work though ₈:₀₄ₐₘ


Kaminari didn't reply since it was too early in the morning, but you didn't mind. He probably would've left you on read anyways. "Kid, are you ready to go?" Hawks shouted from downstairs. "Yeah!" You replied, and stood up. You looked in the mirror, and then left.

To be completely honest, you were dreading this mission. You didn't exactly want to go because you had to fight new villains, but also because you had to spend the whole time with Hawks.

You walked down the stairs, and Hawks was waiting for you in his hero outfit by the door. "Come on then, let's go." He gestured for you to come downstairs. You ran down the stairs and pulled on your shoes as you got to the door.

"We're gonna fly there, just follow me, okay?" Hawks crossed his arms whilst you were tying up your shoe laces. "Alright." You mumbled, then tucked the laces inside of your shoes.

"Let's go." He said, and you nodded your head.

The both of you then headed out the door. Hawks began flying, and waited for you in the air.

You took a deep breath, then pointed your hands towards the floor with your palms flat. You listened to the sound in the area and used it to lift yourself into the air, and flew with Hawks.

Hawks and you flew to a building in the middle of town, and landed on it. You both sat on the roof, and watched the street for a while.

"Oh right, I almost forgot." Hawks gasped, and reached into his pocket, pulling out two ear pieces. He handed one to you, and then put the other in his ear. You put it in your ear. There was a static sound, and then someone talking. "Hello? Hawks, Blast, can you hear me?" A high-pitch voice whispered through the line.

"Yes, we hear you." Hawks answered.

"I thought you forgot to put in the earpiece, good thing you didn't. I don't have a visual on anyone with the scar that we're looking for, but I'll let you know if I do." The person on the other line mumbled. "Um, sorry, who is this?" You raised an eyebrow.

Sound Wave - Hawks x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن